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Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV

Fractal Geometry and Stochastics IV


A few months later in Park City, Christophe Garban sketched out a “1st moment argument” for me which would give no exceptional times under certain assumptions. In any case, whether or not one can actually prove this, it now seems clear ...
Superconcentration and Related Topics

Superconcentration and Related Topics

Sourav Chatterjee

I thank the reviewers for many useful comments, and Christophe Garban, Susan Holmes, Dmitry Panchenko and Michel Talagrand for looking at the early drafts, giving suggestions for improvements, and pointing out misattributions and errors.
Groups, Graphs and Random Walks

Groups, Graphs and Random Walks


Acknowledgement. I am grateful to Christophe Garban for suggesting the connection to Random Interlacements, which gave rise to Section 5, and to A. Janse van Rensburg and C. Midgley for their simulations. I would like to thank Gourab Ray ...
Phase transitions for the distance of random walks with ...

Phase transitions for the distance of random walks with ...

Nathanaël Edouard Berestycki

I'd like to thank, in Cornell, Christian Benes, Christophe Garban (who proofread so carefully the introduction to this thesis - thanks, man!), Paul Jung, Mike Kozdron, Jose Trujillo Ferreras, and Brigitta Vermesi. In Paris, I should thank the V6 as a ...
Selected Works of Oded Schramm

Selected Works of Oded Schramm


... CNRS Department of Mathematics Département de mathématiques (UMPA) University of Toronto Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon 40 St George St FR- 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 Toronto, ON M5S 2E4 France Canada Christophe.garban  ...
Core Statistics

Core Statistics

Simon N. Wood

... Surprising Mathematics of Longest Increasing Subsequences, by Dan Romik 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Percolation, by Christophe Garban and Jeffrey E. Steif Core Statistics SIMON N. WOOD University of Bath.
Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane

Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane

Gregory F. Lawler

These include: Christian Beneš, Nathanaël Berestycki, Zhen-Qing Chen, Keith Crank, Rick Durrett, Clifford Earle, Christophe Garban, Lee Gibson, Pavel Gyrya, John Hubbard, Harry Kesten, Evgueni Klebanov, Ming Kou, Michael Kozdron, ...
Annual Report

Annual Report

Cornell University. Dept. of Mathematics

Raymond Cassella Benjamin Chan Guan-Yu Chen Nikolai Dimitrov Alimjon Eshmatov Farkhod Eshmatov Jennifer Fawcett Bradley Forrest Laure Fumex ( nondegree) Christophe Garban (nondegree) Lee Gibson Timothy Goldberg William ...


R. Rolland

But if she was sorrowfully resigned to not being loved by Christophe, she had never considered the possibility of Christophe loving another. One evening, after dinner, she had just finished a piece of embroidery at which she had been working ...
Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Percolation

Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Percolation

Christophe Garban

Ehud Friedgut. Boolean functions with low average sensitivity depend on few coordinates. Combinatorica, 18(1):27–35, 1998. Ehud Friedgut. Sharp thresholds of graph properties, and the k-sat problem. With an appendix by Jean Bourgain.
L'Enquête sabotée: Pourquoi ne le retrouve-t-on pas ?

L'Enquête sabotée: Pourquoi ne le retrouve-t-on pas ?

Christophe Deloire

En reconstituant l'enquête et soulignant ses nombreux dysfonctionnements, Christophe Deloire et Christophe Dubois apportent des éléments de réponse.
The Christophe Rocancourt Affair

The Christophe Rocancourt Affair


Christophe nods his head in disbelief of what he is hearing, by her silly remarks about ghosts and softly replies, “You're fucking crazy!” The night of April 9th, 2001 Angela Parks and Christophe Rocancourt enter their new Oak Bay hotel suite.
Double feu: Djihad 4.0

Double feu: Djihad 4.0

Christophe Stener

Djihad 4.0 Christophe Stener. Double feu Djihad 4.0 Second tome de la trilogie Exposée Double feu Quatorze juillet Christophe Stener A Sylvie, en souvenir de Bréhat © 2015, Christophe Stener.
14 Juillet: Djihad 4.0

14 Juillet: Djihad 4.0

Christophe Stener

Djihad 4.0 Christophe Stener. 14 Juillet Djihad 4.0 Roman policier Christophe Stener Crédits photographiques Page de couverture TV News Dernière de couverture.
Portraits & techniques d'un peintre animalier

Portraits & techniques d'un peintre animalier

Christophe Drochon

Percutantes, fascinantes, impressionnantes... voici quelques qualificatifs qui s'appliquent particulièrement bien aux peintures de Christophe Drochon.
Ile d'Arz: Cartes postales anciennes

Ile d'Arz: Cartes postales anciennes

Christophe Stener

Cartes postales anciennes Christophe Stener. Christophe STENER Préface de Jean Bulot Ile d'Arz Cartes postales anciennes Christophe Stener. Front Cover.
AcrylicWorks 3: Celebrating Texture

AcrylicWorks 3: Celebrating Texture


... p 45 Rhys CHRISTOPHE DROCHON France [email protected] p 84–85 Need for Rest (Siberian Tiger) TERRI DUNCAN Lafayette,  ...


Christophe Cherix

Edited by Christophe Cherix, John Tremblay.
Acrylicworks 2: Radical Breakthroughs

Acrylicworks 2: Radical Breakthroughs


... p100 LEX CHRISTOPHE DROCHON France christophe@ p98 Negocio de Torre ALI ESMAEILIPOUR ...
Christophe's Story

Christophe's Story

Nicki Cornwell

Children came running up to Christophe. They wanted to see his scar. They wanted to know who had shot him. They clustered round him like dogs waiting to be fed. He felt a bit scared, and he was relieved when Miss Finch appeared.
Jean-Christophe Journey's End

Jean-Christophe Journey's End

Romain Rolland

Jean Christophe is the author's best-known work. The ten-volume novel was an epic story of a German musical genius. This book contains the final three volumes: Love and Friendship; The Burning Bush; and The New Dawn.
Jean Christophe Journey's End

Jean Christophe Journey's End

Romain Rolland

Jean Christophe is the author's best-known work. The ten-volume novel was an epic story of a German musical genius. This book contains the final three volumes: Love and Friendship; The Burning Bush; and The New Dawn.
Les Islamistes sont déjà là: Enquête sur une guerre secrète

Les Islamistes sont déjà là: Enquête sur une guerre secrète

Christophe Deloire

La guerre secrète entre les islamistes et la République a déjà commencé : Christophe Deloire et Christophe Dubois nous livrent une enquête passionnante et effrayante sur cette discrète infiltration qui menace notre liberté à tous.
La peinture animalière

La peinture animalière

Christophe Drochon

En ouvrant ce livre, vous pénétrez dans un univers extraordinaire : celui de Christophe Drochon, un peintre d'exception qui, pour la première fois, a ouvert en grand les portes de son atelier.
L'Homme qui ne se retourne pas

L'Homme qui ne se retourne pas

Christophe Deloire

Et même ce qu’il est devenu ou s’il est encore vivant.25 ans après, obsédé par ce rebelle inconnu surnommé « Tankman », Christophe Deloire part à sa recherche.
Henry Christophe & Thomas Clarkson: A Correspondence

Henry Christophe & Thomas Clarkson: A Correspondence


To Julien Prevost, the Comte de Limonade,30 Christophe assigned the important posts of secretary of state and minister of foreign affairs. A mulatto who had been educated in France, Limonade was intelligent and well informed. Mild and ...
Christophe Honoré: A Critical Introduction

Christophe Honoré: A Critical Introduction

David A. Gerstner

The video may be seen here: honore/ videos/all/?viewer=wcoj0368ze81n6h4esf3jchvqeptktuw (accessed June 14, 2014). Rees-Roberts, French Queer Cinema, 112. Ducastel, born in 1962, ...
Downtown Manhattan 78-82: De la no wave aux dancefloors

Downtown Manhattan 78-82: De la no wave aux dancefloors

Christophe Deniau

Ce quartier englobe l’East Village, Chinatown, Tompkins Square Park, Astor Place et Little Italy. A PROPOS DE L’AUTEUR Christophe Deniau est auteur et passionné de culture pop.
La République: quartier de vies

La République: quartier de vies

Christophe Martin (auteur dramatique).)

Pendant deux ans, Christophe Martin, écrivain, est allé à la rencontre des habitants du quartier de la République, à Avion, au coeur du bassin minier du Pas-de-Calais.
Rapport d'information sur l'examen annuel de croissance pour ...

Rapport d'information sur l'examen annuel de croissance pour ...

Christophe Caresche

Votre co-rapporteur Christophe Caresche souligne, à cet égard, comme il l'a déjà fait dans de précédents travaux (1), que la coordination des politiques économiques suppose en effet de pouvoir disposer d'une vision d'ensemble de la ...

who called from an unknown number?