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Past Sense — Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European ...

Past Sense — Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European ...

Constantin Fasolt

Arjan van Dijk, Ivo Romein, Wouter Bok, and Brill's impressive typesetter Asiatype steered it to publication with great efficiency and speed. Arjan van Dijk also convinced me that it would be use- ful to translate the studies that were originally  ...
Constantin Brancusi

Constantin Brancusi

Friedrich T. Bach

Three major essays discuss twentieth-century sculptor Constantin Brancusi's sources of inspiration, formal approach, the works' original presentation, as well as the artist's place in the artistic climate of Paris in the 1910s and 1920s, ...
Curious Boym: Design Works

Curious Boym: Design Works

Constantin Boym

This whimsical book presents the whimsical designs of Constantin Boym and his partner Laurene Leon Boym in all their good humor and raw fun.
Report of the Forest Insect Survey, Forest Insect Investigations

Report of the Forest Insect Survey, Forest Insect Investigations

Canada. Division of Entomology

C Blanchette, O Bricault, F. A Buchan, E Clark, S. D Collins, W. L Constantin, C Constantin, Mrs. L. Damour, C Den leu, G Dingie, G Duguay, G. E Eno. J Evanush, E Fleming, J. G Fortin. A. J Fraser, E Goodwin, J Groulx, J Hall, K Hamell, ...
Romanian Policy Towards Germany, 1936-40

Romanian Policy Towards Germany, 1936-40

R. Haynes

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Arh. St., IÃnsemnaÆri Zilnice, Constantin Argetoianu, Dosar nr 74, volume unnumbered but dated 10 March±25 May 1939, 23 March 1939, p. 364. Arh. St., IÃnsemnaÆri Zilnice, Constantin ...
Mélanges offerts à René Schérer

Mélanges offerts à René Schérer

Constantin Irodotou

René Schérer, né en 1922, a été l'un des fondateurs du département de philosophie de l'université de Vincennes.
Deleuze and Philosophy

Deleuze and Philosophy


Difference. make? Constantin. V. Boundas. Philosophies of difference, where difference maintains its grounds from beginning to end without being eclipsed by identity, are exceedingly rare. In fact, if we subtract from their ranks those which, ...
Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors: Physiology and ...

Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors: Physiology and ...

Constantin A. Bona

Zahringer U., Beckmann F., Seydel U., Brandenburg K., Ulmer A.J., Mattern T., Heine H., Schletter J., Loppnow H., ... Schumann J., Angermuller S., Bang R., Lohoff M., Tiegs G. Acute hepatotoxicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A in ...


More editions

GH Bookmarks ELYN ZIMMERMAN Artist, New York Constantin Brancusi, by Friedrich Teja Bach, Margit Rowell. and Ann Tempkin (catalogue, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1 995). This catalogue was well-written and well-illustrated, and ...
Continental Drift: Colliding Continents, Converging Cultures

Continental Drift: Colliding Continents, Converging Cultures

Constantin Roman

This is where he studied under Sir Edward Bullard when plate tectonics was in its infancy, when the concepts of continental drift and sea floor spreading were galvanizing geology.
The Second Life Of Art

The Second Life Of Art

Eugenio Montale

The Nobel Prize-winning poet, Eugenio Montale, discusses the state of contemporary poetry, the sculpture of Constantin Brancusi, the culture of Italy, and other artistic, literary, and social topics
Autonomy Arrangements around the World: A Collection of Well ...

Autonomy Arrangements around the World: A Collection of Well ...


Levente Salat, Sergiu Constantin, Alexander Osipov and István Gergő Székely The present volume is the result of a call for abstracts launched in October 2011 and a subsequent conference organized in September 2012 in Flensburg, ...
Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDES: ...

Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDES: ...


Contents Preface ix List of participants xi Shift Theorems for the Biharmonic Dirichlet Problem 1 Constantin Bacuta, James H. Bramble, Joseph E. Pasciak Numerical Methods for Schrödinger Equations 27 Weizhu Bao, Shi Jin, Peter A.
Romanian Review

Romanian Review

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PETRE, Numai du/ceofo porurr,- belor (The Sweetness of Sloes), poems, Cartea RomaneascS Publishing House • STEFURIUC, CONSTANTIN, Singurdtatea de dupd drogoste (Loneliness after Lovemaking), Junimea Publishing House ...
Revue roumaine de géologie, géophysique et géographie: Série ...

Revue roumaine de géologie, géophysique et géographie: Série ...

More editions

Dorcl Zugrfivcscu, lleana Ffitulescu, Raul Dorobantu, Constantin Macarle (1979), Coretafia dintre momentul deelansurii eutremurelor cu focarul in Vrancea si marecle tereslrr, SI. cere, geol., gcofiz., gco^r.-Gcofizicfi, 17, nr. 2, 161 — 165. 6.
Affectionately, Marcel: The Selected Correspondence of ...

Affectionately, Marcel: The Selected Correspondence of ...

Marcel Duchamp

This book contains selected correspondence to many of his friends, including: Francis Picabia, Alfred Stieglitz, Juliet and Man Ray, Beatrice Wood, Constantin Brancusi, Jacques Doucet, and Katherine S. Dreier.
Bibliothèque sacrée, ou Dictionnaire universel, historique, ...

Bibliothèque sacrée, ou Dictionnaire universel, historique, ...

Charles-Louis Richard

... sont au,tant de volumes, que GabrielBucelin a traduit en latin. (Frein,cisco de Pisa , Hist. l0let., l. 5, , cap. 31. Martin Garillo, in Arrnal. Nicolas Antonio, Biblioth. hisp.) ANTONIUS HONORATUS , évêque de Constantin eu Afrif que, qui vivait ...
Guide to State-of-the-Art Electron Devices

Guide to State-of-the-Art Electron Devices

Joachim N. Burghartz

[22] Alex Lidow and Tom Herman, “High Power MOSFET with Low OnResistance and High Breakdown Voltage”, U. 8. Patent no. 4,376,286, issued Mar. 1983 ( filed Feb. 1981). [23] Constantin Bulucea and Rebecca Rossen, “Trench DMOS ...
Columbia Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophies

Columbia Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophies


European. Philosophy. Constantin V. Boundas In my introduction to the analytic philosophical tendencies in twentieth-century philosophy, I argued that the distinction between analytic and Continental philosophy is unhelpful and that it reflects ...


University of Manchester

... Mabel Cleasby 1899 cjohn Critchley Cleaton 1916 Godfrey Jackson Clemens 1902 cHenry Wordsworth Clemesha 1896 cAnnie Louise Clift 1916 cGilbert Coates 1911 cDorotliy Vaudrey Collier 1916 James Hay Colligan 1911 Constantin, ...
One Less Hope: Essays on Twentieth-century Russian Poets

One Less Hope: Essays on Twentieth-century Russian Poets

Constantin V. Ponomareff

This collection of essays, which should appeal both to Slavists and students of comparative literature, deals with twelve major twentieth-century Russian poets who, for varied reasons, became estranged from the Soviet state.

who called from an unknown number?