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Evangelische Pfarrer in Kurhessen und Waldeck von 1933 bis 1945

Evangelische Pfarrer in Kurhessen und Waldeck von 1933 bis 1945

Dieter Wassmann

Leidenhofen 21 .9.1971; Eltern: Pfr Ernst Wilhelm Wittekindt u. Anna, geb. Lohr; Abitur: Kassel, Friedrichsgymn Ostern 1924; Banklehrling 1/2 Jahr; 2 Jahre in einer Buchhandlung tätig; Studium: phil Marburg (1); theol Marburg (1), Tübingen  ...
Wait, Later this Will be Nothing: Editions by Dieter Roth

Wait, Later this Will be Nothing: Editions by Dieter Roth

Sarah J. S. Suzuki

contents 34 82 94 96 foreword acknowledgments wait, later this will be nothing editions by dieter roth sarah suzuki plates dieter roth and questions of conservation two case studies brenna campbell, scott gerson, and lynda zycherman, with ...
Historiae iuris antiqui: gesammelte Schriften

Historiae iuris antiqui: gesammelte Schriften

Dieter Nörr

Collection of the writings of Dieter Nörr up to the year 2000.
The Constitution of European Democracy

The Constitution of European Democracy

Dieter Grimm

I am extremely grateful to Professor Justin Collings for an outstanding translation of the book and to “Geisteswissenschaften International” for a generous grant that made the translation possible. Berlin January 2017 Dieter Grimm Preface As ...
Sprache, Sprechen, Sprichwörter: Festschrift für Dieter ...

Sprache, Sprechen, Sprichwörter: Festschrift für Dieter ...

Dieter Stellmacher

Ab 1995 gehören zum Redaktionsteam: Frerk Möller (Koordination; Allgemeines, Bio-Bibliographisches, Zeitschriften-Sammelwerke), Hermann Niebaum (auch zum Mittelniederdeutschen) und Rudolf A. Ebeling (zum Niederländischen), ...
The Middle English Romances of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth ...

The Middle English Romances of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth ...

Dieter Mehl

Dieter Mehl. C. O. N. C. L. U. S. I. O. N. Our discussion ofthe various formsof romancein thirteenthand fourteenth century England has repeatedly shown how difficult it is tofind a common formula forsuch diverse works.Most ofthe traditional  ...
Virtual Environments ’99: Proceedings of the Eurographics ...

Virtual Environments ’99: Proceedings of the Eurographics ...


Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna, Austria, May 31–June 1, 1999 Michael Gervautz, Axel Hildebrand, Dieter Schmalstieg. Fast Walkthroughs with Image Caches and Ray Casting Michael Wimmer', Markus Giegl', Dieter ...
Shakespeare Without Boundaries: Essays in Honor of Dieter Mehl

Shakespeare Without Boundaries: Essays in Honor of Dieter Mehl

Dieter Mehl

BenJonson, “To the Memory ofMY Beloued, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare and What He hath left us,” in The Complete Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, ed. William Allan Nelson and CharlesJarvis Hill (Cambridge, MA: ...
AußerOrdentliche Frauen: 18 Porträts

AußerOrdentliche Frauen: 18 Porträts

Dieter Wunderlich

Dieter Wunderlich porträtiert Frauen, die Skandale auslösten, wie Lola Montez, Janis Joplin und Uschi Obermeier, aber auch mutige Kämpferinnen wie Rosa Luxemburg, Sophie Scholl und Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Representing Women in Parliament: A Comparative Study

Representing Women in Parliament: A Comparative Study


Banaszak, Lee Ann, Karen Beckwith and Dieter Rucht (2003), 'When Power Relo - cates: Interactive Changes in Women's Movements and States', in Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith and Dieter Rucht (eds), Women's Movements Facing the ...

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