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Conversations with Don DeLillo

Conversations with Don DeLillo

Don DeLillo

In a collection of profiles and conversations from 1982 to 2001, renowned novelist Don DeLillo, the author of White Noise and Libra, shares his thoughts on the distinction between historical fact and the creative imagination, his work ...
Underworld: Picador Classic

Underworld: Picador Classic

Don DeLillo

Underworld is Don DeLillo's masterpiece, a novel of intense ambition and soaring architecture, and a panoramic vision of America set against the overarching conflict of the Cold War.
The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo

The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo

John N. Duvall

With the publication of his seminal novel White Noise, Don DeLillo was elevated into the pantheon of great American writers.
End Zone

End Zone

Don DeLillo

Ostensibly, Don DeLillo's blackly comic second novel, End Zone, is about Gary Harkness, a football player and student at Logos College, west Texas.
Don DeLillo: The Physics of Language

Don DeLillo: The Physics of Language

David Cowart

In his acute rendering of the bi—millennial moment, Don DeLillo ranks among the most important of contemporary novelists. But the trend away from books on single authors (a trend much discussed in the academic press) threatens even the ...
Great Jones Street

Great Jones Street

Don DeLillo

Great Jones Street, Don DeLillo's third novel, is more than a musical satire: it probes the rights of the individual, foreshadows the struggle of the artist within a capitalist world and delivers a scathing portrait of our culture's ...
Beyond Grief and Nothing: A Reading of Don DeLillo

Beyond Grief and Nothing: A Reading of Don DeLillo

Joseph Dewey

Dewey finds DeLillo's concerns to be organized around three rubrics that mark the writer's own creative evolution: the love of the street, the embrace of the word, and the celebration of the soul.
Don DeLillo

Don DeLillo

Douglas Keesey

Keesey examines the question of whether words, music, film, television, and the like aid or impede our connection to the world as he examines DeLillo's novels which deal with modern danger.
Myth, Legend, Dust: Critical Responses to Cormac McCarthy

Myth, Legend, Dust: Critical Responses to Cormac McCarthy


Character Notes First appearance or mention (page) Dirty showman Doctor Don Evaristo Madero Don Hector Rocha (Don Hector Rocha y Villareal) Don Hector Rocha's wife Don Rafael Dr. Brinkley Driver (Cuatro Cienagas) Driver (Texas) ...
Number9Dream: A Novel

Number9Dream: A Novel

David Mitchell

Praise for Number9Dream “Delirious—a grand blur of overwhelming sensation.”—Entertainment Weekly “To call Mitchell’s book a simple quest novel . . is like calling Don DeLillo’s Underworld the story of a missing baseball ...
Falling Man

Falling Man

Don DeLillo

This is an unforgettable novel, at once cathartic and beautiful and heartbreaking.
White Noise

White Noise

Don DeLillo

This is the story of his absurd life; a life that is going well enough, until a chemical spill from a rail car releases an 'Airborne Toxic Event' and Jack is forced to confront his biggest fear - his own mortality.
Zero K: A Novel

Zero K: A Novel

Don DeLillo

For his son, this is indefensible.


Don DeLillo

An electrifying study in affectlessness, infused with deep cynicism and measured detachment; a harsh indictment of the life-denying tendencies of capitalism; as brutal a dissection of the American dream as Wolfe's Bonfire or Ellis's Psycho, ...


Kevin Chong

A hilarious and heartbreaking debut novel hailed as "a crossbreeding of "The Catcher in the Rye" and Don DeLillo's "White Noise."" --"The Washington Post Book World."
Zero K

Zero K

Don DeLillo

And his healthy father, Ross, might join her. Hypnotic and seductive, Zero K is a visionary novel about the legacies we leave, the nobility of death, and the ultimate worth of 'the mingled astonishments of our time, here, on earth.
The Digested Read

The Digested Read

John Crace

Philip Roth, Don Delillo, Margaret Drabble, Paul Auster, Alice Sebold, John Updike, Tom Wolfe, Ruth Rendell, A.S. Byatt, John LeCarre, Michael Crichton and Ian McEwan all emerge delightfully scathed in this book that makes it easy to talk ...
Heroes Suicidio e omicidi di massa

Heroes Suicidio e omicidi di massa

Franco «Bifo» Berardi

3. Don DeLillo, Rumore bianco, Pironti, Napoli 1987. 4. Michael Serazio: Shooting for Fame: The (Anti-) Social Media of a YouTube Killer, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2009. 5. Michael Serazio: Shooting for Fame: The (Anti-) ...
Crunch Lit

Crunch Lit

Katy Shaw

Examining a range of texts from such writers as John Lanchester, Jonathan Franzen, Don DeLillo, Sebastian Faulks and Bret Easton Ellis, this book offers the first wide-ranging guide to this new genre.
Gaceta de los tribunales

Gaceta de los tribunales

More editions

Que no hai constancia en autos de que don Juan Francisco Sota Leon haya transferido sus derechos a don Samuel Leon Silva, de consiguiente, las pertenencias salitreras indicadas corresponden hoi a don Samuel Leon Silva i a don Juan ...
Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series

Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third series


J PI 8605. Canada violet. Photo by Don Blair. Col. photo, («lid flovert of the Black Billa) О Don Blair; 1Apr76; JP1860S. JP18606. «ild rose. Photo by Don Blair. Col. photo. (Rild flowers of the Black Rills) О Don Blair; 1Apr76; JP18606. JP1 8607 ...
Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, ...

Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, ...

Ian Watt

In this volume, Ian Watt examines the myths of Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan and Robinson Crusoe, as the distinctive products of modern society.


United States. Congress. House

Don S. ? Mrs. Berman. Just Don S. Mr. Tavenner. Whom you identify as Don Sumner? Mrs. Berman. Whom I identify as Don Sumner, who was also a member of the Beach Branch and who was working for the post office at the time I knew him.
Investigation of Communist Activities in the State of ...

Investigation of Communist Activities in the State of ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Activities

The next one is Don Sumner, who Mr. TAVENNER. How does it appear on the card ? Mrs. BERMAN. Don S. Mr. TAVENNER. DonS.? Mrs. BERMAN. Just Don S . Mr. TAVENNER. Whom you identify as Don Sumner? Mrs. BERMAN. Whom I ...
Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the ... Annual Meeting

Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the ... Annual Meeting

National Education Association of the United States. Meeting

To know Don Morrison is to know an exciting, creative, inventive, profound, and dynamic force. Don Morrison is a thinker and a doer. He always does his homework. Don Morrison, the teacher, is a success story; but what about Don Morrison, ...
Don't Suck, Don't Die: Giving Up Vic Chesnutt

Don't Suck, Don't Die: Giving Up Vic Chesnutt

Kristin Hersh

Don't suck, don't die: giving up Vic Chesnutt / Kristin Hersh; foreword by Amanda Petrusich. pages cm — (American music series) isbn 978-0-292-75947-3 (cloth : alkaline paper) 1. Chesnutt, Vic—Anecdotes. 2. Hersh, Kristin—Anecdotes.
Play American Mah Jongg! Kit: Everything you Need to Play ...

Play American Mah Jongg! Kit: Everything you Need to Play ...

Elaine Sandberg

I often hear the lament “I don't have anything.” Or if by some chance a beginner does find a possible hand, a common complaint is “But I don't have four Flowers!” No, you don't. In fact, you don't have lots of tiles you need for a Mah Jongg hand.
The Endings of Epochs

The Endings of Epochs

English Association

Their subjects are as diverse as Milton's twin-vision of banishment and beginning, Donna Haraway's 'A Cyborg Manifesto' and DeLillo's version of the death of the author in Mao II. The essays treat drama, epic, poetry, the periodical press, ...
Skylark Meets Meadowlark: Reimagining the Bird in British ...

Skylark Meets Meadowlark: Reimagining the Bird in British ...

Thomas C. Gannon

Kerridge, Richard. Introduction to Writing the Environment: Ecocriticism and Literature, ed. Richard Kerridge and Neil Sammells. London: Zed, 1998. 1–9. — —— . “Small Rooms and the Ecosystem: Environmentalism and DeLillo's White Noise.
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Carlos Castaneda

Presents selections from the field notes the author kept while under the influence of hallucinogenic plants given to him as part of his apprenticeship into the ways of sorcery by Yaqui Indian Don Juan Matus, and includes an analysis of Don ...

who called from an unknown number?