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The selfish gene pool: an evolutionary stable system

The selfish gene pool: an evolutionary stable system

Donald Mackay Wonderly

This work discusses the claim that people are destined to act selfishly because their fitness in resulting generations depends on it.
Canadian Shorthorn Herd Book

Canadian Shorthorn Herd Book

Canadian Shorthorn Association

MacKay, A. J., Macdonald, Man. McKay, Arthur, Cape Rich, Ont. McKay, David, Owen Sound, Ont. McKay, Donald G., Beverley Station, Sask. Mackay, Farm Dairy Company, Indian Head, MacKay, Hugh, St. Mary's, Ont. McKay, Hugh & Sons, ...
Brian MacKay-Lyons

Brian MacKay-Lyons

Brian MacKay-Lyons

Drawing and Photography Credits DRAWlNG / MODEL CREDlTS Brian MacKay- Lyons. Dalhousie Faculty of Computer Science Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1998-1999 Client: Dalhousie University Architects: Brian MacKay-Lyons Architecture Urban ...
A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization

A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization

John Perlin

Alex Mackay's intentions for writing a book on America appear in A. Mackay ( 1849), 1, “Introduction.” 347. Alex Mackay's account of crossing the James River is in ibid., 2.151. 347. William builders the Nowlin's description ofbuilding rails ...
The Lumberjacks

The Lumberjacks

Donald MacKay

This is definitive history of lumbering in Canada captures the vitality of the lumber camps and documents the evolution of a major industry.
The Lumberjacks

The Lumberjacks

Donald MacKay

It was my father who first taught me. He would show me how to notch, how to throw the axe right into the middle of the tree, how to cut in the same direction as the wind.” Joe Proulx, although taller than most at six feet, was probably as typical a ...
Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector

Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector

Donald MacKay

This is the story of the Highland Scots who sailed to Pictou, Nova Scotia, in 1773 aboard the brig Hector.
Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector

Scotland Farewell: The People of the Hector

Donald MacKay

This is the story of the Highland Scots who sailed to Pictou, Nova Scotia, in 1773 aboard the brig Hector.
Local Architecture: Building Place, Craft, and Community

Local Architecture: Building Place, Craft, and Community

Brian Mackay-Lyons

Building Place, Craft, and Community Brian Mackay-Lyons Robert McCarter. 13 21 23 31 41 49 177 179 185 195 201 205 211 217 219 221 223 9 Foreword Brian MacKay-Lyons Introduction: Seeing the World Whole Thomas Fisher ...
Multimedia Environmental Models: The Fugacity Approach, ...

Multimedia Environmental Models: The Fugacity Approach, ...

Donald Mackay

While other books focus on specific compartments, such as the atmosphere, or specific substances, such as PCBs, this book presents the big picture of how organic chemicals behave in the total environment.
William Wallace: Brave Heart

William Wallace: Brave Heart

James Mackay

James Mackay uses all his skills as a historical detective to produce this definitive biography, telling the incredible story of a man who, without wealth or noble birth, rose to become Guardian of Scotland.
Flight from Famine: The Coming of the Irish to Canada

Flight from Famine: The Coming of the Irish to Canada

Donald MacKay

" Flight from Famine is the moving account of a Victorian-era tragedy that has echoes in our own time but seems hardly credible in the light of Ireland's modern prosperity.
Relic of the Ancient Ones: A Novel of Adventure, Romance, ...

Relic of the Ancient Ones: A Novel of Adventure, Romance, ...

Lisa A. Shiel

This morning she needed a different sort of knowledge. She navigated to a search engine, typed in “Alex MacKay,” and hit enter. His name yielded hundreds of results, most leading to information about people who were not the Alex MacKay ...
The Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian ...

The Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian ...

More editions

OBITUARY NOTICE OP- ALEXANDER HOWARD MACKAY, B.A., B.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.C. EDUCATIONIST AND SCIENTIST 1848-1929. By HARRY PIERS. Alexander Howard MacKay, one of Canada's foremost educationists and scientists, was ...
Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science

Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science

More editions

OBITUARY NOTICE OF ALEXANDER HowARD MACKAY, B.A., B.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.C. EDUCATIONIST AND ScIENTIST 1848-1929. By HARRY PIERs. Alexander Howard MacKay, one of Canada's foremost educationists and scientists, was ...
Sir Thomas Lipton: The Man Who Invented Himself

Sir Thomas Lipton: The Man Who Invented Himself

James Mackay

Now literally detective James Mackay has uncovered the true story of one of the turn of the century's most extrordinary, larger-than-life characters, a story which is indefinitely more dramatic than the accepted version.
Phenological Observations in Canada ...

Phenological Observations in Canada ...

Alexander Howard MacKay

Alexander Howard MacKay. Dandelion in Shelburne, Queens and Guysboro ; and its advanced appearance in Kings, Cumberland, Inverness and Victoria. Does the breath of the Atlantic retard the flowering of the Strawberry as compared with ...
Plain Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons

Plain Modern: The Architecture of Brian MacKay-Lyons

Malcolm Quantrill

The Nova-Scotian architect Brian MacKay-Lyons fits neatly into this distinguished list, which includes Marlon Blackwell in the Ozarks, Rick Joy in the Southwest, andMiller/Hull in the Northwest.
Illustrated Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties of ...

Illustrated Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties of ...

Donald Mackay

The fifth volume, Pesticides, completes this unique series of information-packed handbooks on environmental fate. The handbook contains fate calculations for a variety of pesticides of environmental interest today.
Art in Felt & Stitch: Creating Beautiful Works of Art Using ...

Art in Felt & Stitch: Creating Beautiful Works of Art Using ...

Moy Mackay

In this visually stunning book, Moy Mackay reveals how to create beautiful pictures using felt instead of paint.
Dialogue Interpreting

Dialogue Interpreting

Ian Mason

522 W I just saw my wife falling back and Alex Mackay coming past her at the same time as she was falling back. 523 L So he did not actually see Alex Mackay putting hands on his wife? 524 W No. No it was just that these things happened at ...
Ghost: Building an Architectural Vision

Ghost: Building an Architectural Vision

Brian Mackay-Lyons

Organized chronologically and interwoven with MacKay-Lyons's simple and accessible personal narratives, Ghost also features essays by some of the most eminent figures in architectural criticism, including Christine Macy, Brian Carter, Karl ...
Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental ...

Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental ...

Donald Mackay

This second edition of the Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for Organic Chemicals is an essential reference for university libraries, regulatory agencies, consultants, and industry professionals, particularly ...
Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental ...

Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental ...

Donald Mackay

This second edition of the Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for Organic Chemicals is an essential reference for university libraries, regulatory agencies, consultants, and industry professionals, particularly ...
Haus eines Kunstfreundes: Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott, Charles ...

Haus eines Kunstfreundes: Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott, Charles ...

Gerda Breuer

Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Leopold Bauer Gerda Breuer. Inhalt fi Gerda Breuer: Das ideale Hans - Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott. ( Charles Rennie Mackintosh nnd Leopold Bauer, drei Architekten der »Moderne« urn ...
College Fight Songs II: A Supplementary Anthology

College Fight Songs II: A Supplementary Anthology

William Emmett Studwell

The present fight song of the "Tigers" is "Fight, Tiger," by lyricist Donald M. MacKay and composer Robert F. Karsch, a piece with much energy, perhaps so designed to easily traverse the hills of mid-Missouri. NORTH DAKOTA V ( University of ...
The World to Live in

The World to Live in

William Carey Wonderly

John T. Olverson bowed profoundly, and moved toward the door. "All families aren't the same, however, nor are all sons independent of their fathers. . . . You will speak to Miss O'Neill, then? Thank you. Goodnight." Rita's wrath was none the ...

who called from an unknown number?