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Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with ...

Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with ...

Doron S. Lubinsky

0. The results are consequences of a strengthened form of the following assertion: Given 0 p, f Lp ( ) and a certain sequence of positive numbers associated with Q(x), there exist polynomials Pn of degree at most n, n = 1,2,3..., such that ...
Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation ...

Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation ...

Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino

Eli Levin and D. S. Lubinsky, Universality Limits for Exponential Weights, Constructive Approximation, 29 (2009), 247–275. Eli Levin and D. S. Lubinsky, Applications of Universality Limits to Zeros and Reproducing Kernels of Orthogonal ...
Law and Government in Israel

Law and Government in Israel

Gideon Doron

Kenneth Shepsle and Mark Bonchek, Analyzing Politics, New York, 1997; Gideon Doron and Itai Sened, Political Bargaining, London, 2001. Robert Aumann and Michael Maschler, Repeated Games with Incomplete Information, Cambridge, ...
New Media, Politics and Society in Israel

New Media, Politics and Society in Israel


Harrisand Doron, “Assessing theElectoral Reform of1992”;Asher Arian,“The Israeli Electionfor Prime Minister andtheKnesset, 1996,” ElectoralStudies 15( 1996): 570–75; DonPeretz and Gideon Doron, “Israel's 1996 Elections: ASecond Political ...
Communicating Security: Civil-Military Relations in Israel

Communicating Security: Civil-Military Relations in Israel


See Martin Sherman and Gideon Doron, 'War and Peace as Rational Choice in the Middle East', in Zeev Maoz (ed.), Regional Security in the Middle East, London, 1997, pp. 72—102. . Doron, To Decide and to Implement. . See Immanuel Kant ...
The Difference Engine: Charles Babbage and the Quest to ...

The Difference Engine: Charles Babbage and the Quest to ...

Doron Swade

THE DIFFERENCE ENGINE Doron Swade is Assistant Director and Head of Collections at the Science Museum in London. He is an engineer and a historian of technology, and a leading authority on the life and work of Charles Babbage.
Conceptual History in the European Space

Conceptual History in the European Space


Hanna Orsolya Vincze, The Politics of Translation and Transmission: Basilikon Doron in Hungarian Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012). See also Hanna Orsolya Vincze, 'The Fortunes of Basilikon Doron', in Janet ...
The True Law of Free Monarchies: And, Basilikon Doron

The True Law of Free Monarchies: And, Basilikon Doron

James I (King of England)

And, Basilikon Doron James I (King of England), Victoria University (Toronto, Ont. ). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Daniel Fischlin, Mark Fortier. Tudor. and. Stuart. Texts. Series editors DAVID GALBRAITH Department of ...
The Cogwheel Brain: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build ...

The Cogwheel Brain: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build ...

Doron Swade

The story of his lifelong bid to construct such a machine is a triumph of human ingenuity, will and imagination.
Public Policy and Electoral Reform: The Case of Israel

Public Policy and Electoral Reform: The Case of Israel

Gideon Doron

The book brings into question the actual influence voters have over electoral outcomes by probing various scenarios.
Term Limits

Term Limits

Gideon Doron

This book, divided in two parts, presents an overview and detailed analysis of the origins and effects of the movement. The first part analyzes the political concept of term limits and its theoretical foundations.
Charles Babbage and his calculating engines

Charles Babbage and his calculating engines

Doron Swade

This book has been prepared as part of the 1991 Babbage celebration, an occasion when the Science Museum's own Babbage artefacts and archives were supplements with additional material from overseas for a special Bicentenary Exhibition.
History of Computing: Software Issues: International ...

History of Computing: Software Issues: International ...


Joachim Fischer Kulturstiftung der Länder Kurfürstendamm 102 10711 Berlin Germany E-mail: kslG' Introduction In this paper, Doron Swade has given an excellent overview of almost every aspect that might come up in ...
Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide

Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide

Eric A. Meyer

So my thanks, respect, and gratitude to Bob Clary, Marcio Galli, Katsuhiko Momoi , Chris Nails, Tristan Nitot, Arun Ranganathan, Doron Rosenberg, and Susie Wyshak — comrades all. To Dave, thank you for all the years of laughter and ...
Afroasiatic Studies in Memory of Robert Hetzron: Proceedings ...

Afroasiatic Studies in Memory of Robert Hetzron: Proceedings ...


... Sebastian Gunther, Michael Carter, and Usama Soltan for clarifying a number of issues regarding the Arabic data; I am also appreciative of the feedback provided by Elizabeth Cowper, Edit Doron, and Janne Bondi Johannessen. All opinion ...
Mathematics in Victorian Britain

Mathematics in Victorian Britain


3, 109. For details of the Difference Engine No. 2 halting mechanism, see Doron Swade, 'Charles Babbage's Difference Engine No. 2: technical description', Science Museum Papers in the History of Technology (1996), 44–45. Works, Vol.
Literature and the Politics of Family in Seventeenth-Century ...

Literature and the Politics of Family in Seventeenth-Century ...

Su Fang Ng

James Doelman argues James's majesty suffered from overexposure when his English subjects, quoting fromBasilicon Doron, appropriated his words in attempts to advise and to govern the king: “his pageantry of the written word raised ...
Making the History of Computing Relevant: IFIP WG 9.7 ...

Making the History of Computing Relevant: IFIP WG 9.7 ...


The story of how it was founded is recorded in two early issues of Resurrection [2] , the bulletin of the CCS. Nick Enticknap, the first Editor of Resurrection, recounts in the first issue of Resurrection that the CCS “is the brainchild of Doron Swade, ...
Museums of Modern Science : Nobel Symposium 112

Museums of Modern Science : Nobel Symposium 112

More editions

New York Review of Books, 29 September 1988, pp. 63-69. 3. Doron Swade, " Napoleon's waistcoat button: modern artifacts and museum culture." In Museum collecting policies in modern science and technology (London: Science Museum,  ...

who called from an unknown number?