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The Transition to Adulthood and Family Relations: An ...

The Transition to Adulthood and Family Relations: An ...

Eugenia Scabini

This book explores the development of a new path of transition between adolescence and adulthood in recent generations.
Identità adulte e relazioni familiari

Identità adulte e relazioni familiari


Eugenia Scabini - Vittorio Cigoli L'IDENTITÀ ORGANIZZATIVA DELLA FAMIGLIA 1. La ricerca e l'intervento sulla famiglia: una lettura critica 1.1. Premessa Come è noto la famiglia è stata, nella psicologia dei primi decenni del secolo, ...


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Madera * Maurice Howard Halstead. . . . . . . . Meteorology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Diego Eugenia Mary Halvorsen. . . . . . . . . . English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oakland Kazuo Hamamoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Political Science .
Pharmacology - E-Book: Principles and Applications

Pharmacology - E-Book: Principles and Applications

Eugenia M. Fulcher

In the book and on a companion Evolve website, a variety of exercises helps you strengthen your skills in math, dosage calculation, and critical thinking.
Bodies of knowledge: the medicalization of reproduction in ...

Bodies of knowledge: the medicalization of reproduction in ...

Eugenia Georges

Ironically, then, Italy's decision to definitively Europeanize itself via its enlightened imperial rule over Rhodes dovetailed snugly with the Europeanizing aspirations of this even more marginalized Mediterranean region (N. Doumanis 1997, 47fF.) ...
The Diffusion and Consumption of Business Knowledge

The Diffusion and Consumption of Business Knowledge


María Eugenia Arias and Mauro Guillén INTRODUCTION The relative decline of the USA as an industrial power and the economic success of Japanese firms during the 1980s has renewed interest in the transfer of organizational forms and  ...
Central America Report

Central America Report

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... (Ministerio Publico, MP) accusing Madreselva activists Flaviano Bianchini and Maria Eugenia Solis of six crimes, These included: falsifying materials, the intention to commit a crime, and trade defamation. The accusations center on a report ...
INFORPRESS Centroamericana

INFORPRESS Centroamericana

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nado Presidencial de la Reforma del Estado; María Eugenia Solís, abogada del colectivo ambientalista Madreselva-, Amilcar Pop, presidente de la Asociación de Abogados Mayas; y Alejandro Ballsel Conde, ex-secretario ejecutivo de la ...
Guatemaltecas: The Women's Movement, 1986–2003

Guatemaltecas: The Women's Movement, 1986–2003

Susan A. Berger

Maria Eugenia Solis Garcia argues that the PAN tried to increase fear in the capital city during the preelectoral period by constantly discussing the rise of urban gangs and attributing insecurity to gangrelated violence. She maintains that the ...
Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos

Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos

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Homenaje a José Martí en el centenario de su muerte en combate I Diana Abad Muñoz, coordinadora, Laura Eugenia Solís Chávez. — Morelia: Escuela de Historia, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 1 997. — 255 p.
Victorian Boston Today: Twelve Walking Tours

Victorian Boston Today: Twelve Walking Tours

Mary Melvin Petronella

We are fortunate to have with us the editors of our first edition, Pauline Chase- Harrell and Margaret Supplee Smith, and several of its contributors, Robert B. MacKay, Eugenia Kaledin, and Margaret Henderson Floyd. And we extend special ...
A Place to Be: Brazilian, Guatemalan, and Mexican Immigrants ...

A Place to Be: Brazilian, Guatemalan, and Mexican Immigrants ...


María Eugenia Anguiano Téllez and Miguel J. Hernández Madrid, (Zamora, México: El Colegio de Michoacán-El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2003), 43–44. Appadurai, “Grassroots Globalization.” Douglas Massey and Jorge Durand, Beyond ...
Globalization and America: Race, Human Rights, and Inequality

Globalization and America: Race, Human Rights, and Inequality


... www.washingtonpost .com/wpdyn/content/article/ZOO6/10/26/ AR2006102600120.html (accessed February 4, 2007); Maria Eugenia Anguiano Téllez, "Desviados al Desierto de SonoraArizona: Nuevas Rutas de la Emigracién Mexicana a ...
Migración internacional e identidades cambiantes

Migración internacional e identidades cambiantes

María Eugenia Anguiano Téllez

Eleven scholarly articles on migration and changing identities, including the 1940s bracero program, communities of migrant populations in the U.S. and Spain, social organization among Tijuana's migrants, migrant religious values and women ...
Cultura de Guatemala

Cultura de Guatemala

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Alianza contra la Impunidad. Magalí Rey Rosa, ambientalista. Ana Rodríguez, maestra y editora. María Eugenia Solís García, abogada y notaria. Leonor Hurtado, psicóloga educativa. María Estela Vielman de Aguirre, licenciada en economía.

who called from an unknown number?