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Pontius Pilate: Deciphering a Memory

Pontius Pilate: Deciphering a Memory

Aldo Schiavone

In this breakthrough, revisionist biography of one of the Bible’s most controversial figures, Italian classicist Aldo Schiavone explains what might have happened in that brief meeting between the governor and Jesus, and why the ...
L'Italia contesa: Sfide politiche ed egemonia culturale

L'Italia contesa: Sfide politiche ed egemonia culturale

Aldo Schiavone

Secondo Aldo Schiavone la parabola del berlusconismo è giunta alla fase declinante, non regge allo spegnimento delle luci della festa.


Aldo Schiavone

The slave and gladiator Spartacus has been the subject of myth-making in his own time and of movie-making in ours. Aldo Schiavone brings him squarely into the arena of serious history.
História Rompida, Uma: Roma Antiga e Ocidente Moderno

História Rompida, Uma: Roma Antiga e Ocidente Moderno

Aldo Schiavone

O livro do historiador italiano Aldo Schiavone, analisa por que a história da civilização ocidental observou o fim de um Império próspero como o Romano e atravessou a Idade Média e as conseqüências disso na construção da ...
The End of the Past: Ancient Rome and the Modern West

The End of the Past: Ancient Rome and the Modern West

Aldo Schiavone

Schiavone's lively and provocative examination of the ancient world, "the eternal theater of history and power," offers a stimulating opportunity to view modern society in light of the experience of antiquity.
The Invention of Law in the West

The Invention of Law in the West

Aldo Schiavone

This is a landmark work of scholarship whose influence will be felt by classicists, historians, and legal scholars for decades.


Aldo Schiavone

La biografia di una figura entrata nelle leggende dell¿Occidente: Spartaco, gladiatore e condottiero, ribelle e profeta.
Black Belt

Black Belt

Full view

Kathy Baxter in only a year and a half of competition has gathered over 12 gold medals, mostly in the New York area. GIN A SCHIAVONE:Age: 19. Hometown: New Rochelle, New York. Style: Gojuryu. Gina is the National AAU Women's Kata , ...
Ponce Pilate

Ponce Pilate

Aldo Schiavone

Seul dialogue connu de Jésus avec un représentant de l’autorité romaine, la confrontation de Ponce Pilate avec le Christ est un épisode unique dans le récit chrétien.
Understanding and Applying Advanced On-board Bus Electronics

Understanding and Applying Advanced On-board Bus Electronics

John J. Schiavone

American Concrete Pavement Association ASHISH K. SEN, Director. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. U.S Department of Transportation GEORGE D. WARRINGTON, Acting President and CEO, National Railroad Passenger Corporation ...
International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory

International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory

G. Schiavone

... French EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Mervat M. Tallawy HEADQUARTERS: Riad es-Solh Sq., PO Box 11-8575, Beirut, Lebanon (telephone: +961 1 981301; fax: + 961 1981510) WEBSITE: PUBLICATIONS: Survey of ...
Non ti delego: Perché abbiamo smesso di credere nella loro ...

Non ti delego: Perché abbiamo smesso di credere nella loro ...

Aldo Schiavone

Dalla crisi dei partiti al sogno della democrazia diretta. Da istituzioni sempre più deboli a un paese ingovernabile. Perché abbiamo perso fiducia nella politica e cosa possiamo fare per riconquistarla.

who called from an unknown number?