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Antonello Da Messina: Sicily's Renaissance Master

Antonello Da Messina: Sicily's Renaissance Master

Gioacchino Barbera

Antonello da Messina (ca. 1430 - 1479) was one of the most groundbreaking and influential painters of the quattrocento.
Shayzar I: The Fortification of the Citadel

Shayzar I: The Fortification of the Citadel

Cristina Tonghini

Lidia Perria and Andrea Luzzi, “Manoscritti greci delle province orientali dell' impero bizantino”, in eds. Tiziana Creazzo and Gioacchino Strano, Atti del VI Congresso nazionale dell'Associazione italiana di studi bizantini, Catania- Messina, 2–5 ...
Rivista L'architettura delle città: The Journal of the ...

Rivista L'architettura delle città: The Journal of the ...


The translation of the book has been promoted by Lucio Barbera in 2005. The translation, avaialable a integral Italian and English version has been developed by Anna Del Monaco, Liu Jian, Ying Jin, Michael Riddel, Roberta Tontini).
NBS/RIA Robotics Research Workshop: Proceedings of the ...

NBS/RIA Robotics Research Workshop: Proceedings of the ...


National Bureau of Standards, Robot Institute of America John Martin Evans, James Sacra Albus, Anthony J. Barbera. TABLE I ADDRESS LIST OF WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS II. DISCUSSION GROUPS The participants were assigned to six ...
Metallomesogens: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

Metallomesogens: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications


Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Jose Luis Serrano. [139] S. ... [143] S. Coco, P. Espinet, S. Falagan, J. M. Martin-Alvarez, New J. Chem. 1995, 19, 799- 805. ... [152] V. Formoso, M. C. Pagnotta, P. Mariani, M. Ghedini, F. Neve, R. Bartolino, M. More, G. Pepy, Liq. Cryst. 1992 ... [154] M. Ghedini, D. Pucci ... [163] M. J. Baena, J. Barbera, P. Espinet, A. Ezcurra, M. B. Ros, J.L. Serrano, J. Am. Chem. Soc.

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