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Latinitas in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of ...

Latinitas in the Polish Crown and the Grand Duchy of ...


Maria Grazia Bartolini, Giovanna Brogi Bercoff (a cura di), Kiev e Leopoli: il “testo ” culturale, 2007 5. Maria Bidovec, Raccontare la Slovenia. Narratività ed echi della cultura popolare in Die Ehre Dess Hertzogthums Crain di J.W. Valvasor, ...
Contribution a l'histoire de la slavistique dans les pays ...

Contribution a l'histoire de la slavistique dans les pays ...

Giovanna Brogi Bercoff

Sur Prague, Xavier Galmiche a publié Prague : secrets et métamorphoses (1990, en collab. avec Petr Král), Prague : passages et galeries (1993), Marketa Thein- hardt et Pascal Varejka ont écrit Prague imprévu (1994). Guy Erismann a donné  ...
Artists of Power: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and ...

Artists of Power: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and ...


... Alessandro Brogi A Conflict Perpetuated: China Policy During the Kennedy Years Noam Kochavi Bitter Rehearsal: British and American Planning for a Post- War West Indies Charlie Whitham On the Fiery March: Mussolini Prepares for War ...
The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, ...

The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, ...

Giovanna Borradori

In the spirit of Emerson's The American Scholar, this book explores the identity of the American philosopher.
Gaston Bachelard: Critic of Science and the Imagination

Gaston Bachelard: Critic of Science and the Imagination

Cristina Chimisso

Giovanna Bozzi, Serafina Cuomo, Marina Frasca—Spada, Caterina Serra- Giaretta and Francesca Silvestrelli shared with me their expertise in the history of art and in ancient history. Dorinda Outram read and commented on the first draft,  ...
Self-Aware Computing Systems

Self-Aware Computing Systems


Betty H.C. Cheng, Rogério de Lemos, Holger Giese, Paola Inverardi, Jeff Magee, Jesper Andersson, Basil Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Yuriy Brun, Bojan Cukic, Giovanna DiMarzo Serugendo, Schahram Dustdar, Anthony Finkelstein, Cristina  ...
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems

Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems


1 Betty H.C. Cheng, Rog ́erio de Lemos, Holger Giese, Paola Inverardi, Jeff Magee, Jesper Andersson, Basil Becker, Nelly Bencomo, Yuriy Brun, Bojan Cukic, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Schahram Dustdar, Anthony Finkelstein, Cristina ...
VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: ...

VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: ...


... Josef Sebera Michael G. Sideris Nico Sneeuw Robert Tenzer Peter J.G. Teunissen Carl Christian Tscherning Ilias Tziavos Giovanna Venuti Pieter NAM Visser Jinling Wang Simon David Paul Williams Hasan Yildiz 334 List of Reviewers.
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: ...

Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: ...


... De Ruyter Stefan Decker Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo Simon Dobson Charalampos Doukas Ignacio Elicegui Jesus Favela Mohamed Fayad Ana Fensel Carlo Ferrari Jesus Fontecha Jonathan Freeman Leo Galway Borja Gamecho Carlo ...
Reforma educativa ¿Qué estamos transformando? Debate informado:

Reforma educativa ¿Qué estamos transformando? Debate informado:

Gloria Del Castillo

Gloria Del Castillo, Giovanna Valenti Nigrini, María del Carmen Pardo, Claudia Santizo, Alberto Arnaut, Inés Aguerrondo, María de Ibarrola, Graciela Bensusán, Luis Arturo Tapia, Arturo Alcalde, Nohemy Arias, Teresa Bracho González, ...
Pediatric Neurology Part III: Chapter 197. Axonal dystrophies

Pediatric Neurology Part III: Chapter 197. Axonal dystrophies

Nardo Nardocci

Nardo Nardocci* and Giovanna Zorzi, Department of Child Neurology, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy, * Correspondence to: N. Nardocci, Department of Child Neurology, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico ...

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