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Gleb Struve

Also teaching and practice aids, Russian-English vocabulary, biographical/critical introductions to each selection, study questions, more. Especially helpful are the stress accents in the Russian text, usually found only in primers.
Bibliotheca historica

Bibliotheca historica

Burkhard Gotthelf Struve

... samuel bas- nage in Diss. de regulis hypaticis Pagii docte differuit. v. ejutdtm Annal, polit, ecclef. T. II. p. 559 sqq. .. ;. Cf. Asta Erud. a. i683- p. 235 sqq. Brencman- H EN R ICI BRENCMANNI Epistola de Con- nus- fulibus, de quibus in  ...
Collected works: Last writings, 1937-1941

Collected works: Last writings, 1937-1941

Petr Berngardovich Struve

(Лю- бушкв. 1802). Тихо руки, взоръ поводятъ (Руссюя дьвушки. 1799). Арфы громкие и тихозвучны тоны волшебствомъ нька- кимъ обворожаютъ слухъ... Двугласну тихо пъснь вознесъ... БожШ духъ искони до въковъ въ тихой тьмъ ...

who called from an unknown number?