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Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region: Phase II: ...

Food Redistribution in the Nordic Region: Phase II: ...

Gram-Hanssen, Irmelin

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Atle Wold. Sweden • Allwin, Simon Eisner. • Willys, Anna Åhnberg. • Salvation Army Stockholm, Isac Felixon. • Stockholm City Mission, Anne Lunde Dinesen. • The Swedish National Food Agency, Gustaf  ...
S. Procopius Martyr Antiochenus: Tragi-comoedia : In dem ...

S. Procopius Martyr Antiochenus: Tragi-comoedia : In dem ...


Gualtcrui Schlutr, Gram. Matthiai Adamui Hckkenftalcr. Gram. Michael Perchtold, Poet». Antoniui Dinner, Poeta. Georgiui Schnabel, Poeta. Vdalcicui Enderci, Toeta. Andreai SicUinger, Poeta. Vdairicui Rimmelin, Gram. Adamui Rögel, Rhetor.
Fin de Siècle Beirut: The Making of an Ottoman Provincial ...

Fin de Siècle Beirut: The Making of an Ottoman Provincial ...

Jens Hanssen

Combining urban theory with postcolonial methodology, Jens Hanssen argues that modern Beirut is the outcome of persistent social and intellectual struggles over the production of space.
Ethics and Poetics: Ethical Recognitions and Social ...

Ethics and Poetics: Ethical Recognitions and Social ...


“Recognition without Ethics?” In The Turn to Ethics. Eds. Marjorie Garber, Beatrice Hanssen, and Rebecca Walkowitz. New York: Routledge, 2000. 9–126. Garber, Majorie, Beatrice Hanssen and Rebecca Walkowitz. Eds. The Turn to Ethics.
Cioffari Spanish Rev Gram 3ed:

Cioffari Spanish Rev Gram 3ed:

Vincenzo Cioffari

For other editions, see Author Catalog.
The Solar Corona: Proceedings of International Astronomical ...

The Solar Corona: Proceedings of International Astronomical ...


F. Q. Orrall and J. B. Zirker, Astrophys.J. 134, 72 (1961). . E. N. Parker, Astrophys. J. 117,431 (1953). . J. B. Zirker, Astrophys.J. 131,684 (1960). . S. Rosseland, E. Jensen, and E. Tandberg-Hanssen, I. A. U. Symposium No. 6, Stockholm, 1956 ...
Looking at Photographs: A Guide to Technical Terms

Looking at Photographs: A Guide to Technical Terms

Gordon Baldwin

We are grateful to Brett Abbott, Andrea P. A. Belloli, Robin Clark, Sheryl Conkelton, Christopher Date, Alan Donnithorne, Joan Dooley, Teresa Francis, Sarah Freeman, Andee Hales, Peggy Hanssen, Kurt Hauser, Karen Hellman, Graham ...
Electrotransformation of Bacteria

Electrotransformation of Bacteria


Transformation of Campylobacter jejuni BEN N. FRY, MARC M.S.M. WöSTEN, TRUDY M. WASSENAAR and BERNARD A.M. VAN DER ZEIJST - Introduction Campylobacter jejuni is a Gram-negative bacterium and is a commensal of many  ...
Beating Overeating

Beating Overeating

Gillian Riley

Do you always give up because it's just too much effort? Gillian Riley, a self confessed former overeater, aims to banish the world of calorie counts, fat gram analysis, faddy diets - from cabbage soup to blood group - and weighing scales.
The Pollyanna Effect: Bouncing the Ball of Happiness around ...

The Pollyanna Effect: Bouncing the Ball of Happiness around ...

Julianne Rowat

There is a book out called, The Happiness Diet, written by Tyler Gram and Drew Ramsey, MD. Go to and check it out. In the book they talk about all the different foods you can eat to stay happy. Research shows that ...
The Diabetes Carbohydrate and Fat Gram Guide: Quick, Easy ...

The Diabetes Carbohydrate and Fat Gram Guide: Quick, Easy ...

Lea Ann Holzmeister

This user-friendly guide describes how to use many generic and brand-name foods in meal planning and teaches diabetics to convert carbohydrate grams into carbohydrate exchanges.
The American Editor

The American Editor

More editions

The Philadelphia Inquirer The new newsroom 0} The Philadelphia Inquirer was dedicated to Gene Foreman, deputy editor of the newspaper. He joins Penn State University in 1998. gram that has trained federal judges for many years. A grant ...
Epilepsy in Children, 2E

Epilepsy in Children, 2E

Sheila J Wallace

Degen R, Degen HE. Some genetic aspects of rolandic epilepsy: waking and sleep EEGS in siblings. Epilepsia 1990; 31:795–801. RogerJ, Bureau M, Genton P, Dravet C. Idiopathic partial epilepsies. In: Dam M, Gram L (eds) Comprehensive ...


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Sassen area: Common, especially in terraces, up to 45 m, and predominating at lower levels, 3 — 5 m (Feyling-Hanssen and Jorstad 1950). Found by Swedish expeditions at Sassenfjorden and Tempelfjorden (Knipowitsch 1903 IV); found also at Gasodden and Anservika, 8 m a.s.l., Gipsvika, Bjonahamna and Von Postbreen (Nathorst 1884, Hagg 1950, 1951). Elsewhere in the Isfjorden area: Hoel (1911, p. 252) recorded it at Lykta in Dicksonfjorden from a terrace, the surface of which ...
Clarissimi ... Stephani Brulefer ... In quatuor diui ...

Clarissimi ... Stephani Brulefer ... In quatuor diui ...

Etienne Brulefer

Etienne Brulefer ... 0740 (>20 a'lquo gram- (UMZij [flo .noclo pls-o. d: pre 0Min? cciä epaxxmlmpun:: 7 ccce ri havcnceßksuäü :mine-1c dm* die anime-n. ... mM-1' nöxqt [n voccyin 'onfuca cn kununu-tio ca .noemotlosinumonf (lu-[c. g) vun-n'.
Outer Membrane Vesicles of Bacteria

Outer Membrane Vesicles of Bacteria

S.N. Chatterjee

This book provides a detailed account of the physico-chemical properties and biological functions of the outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) of different pathogenic and non-pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria.
Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Fourth Edition

Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Fourth Edition

Alfred P. Fishman

Sax Section Twenty. Major Pathogens in Pulmonary Infections / 2265 129. Pneumonia Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria...2265 Thomas A. Cumbo & Timothy F. Murphy 130. Nosocomial Pneumonia...............................2273 Jay A. Fishman 131.
Panchayati Raj and Education in India

Panchayati Raj and Education in India

Sita Ram Sharma

We give below a summary" of the position of Panchayats in the different States of India at this time with a view to giving the reader an overall picture. ... Generally speaking, the State Government had by 1953 end created a separate Department of Gram Panchayats, attached generally to the ... In Bombay, there was no separate department for Panchayats. The administration of Panchayats at the State level was the responsibility of Local Self-Government and Public Health Department.

who called from an unknown number?