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The Making of a Policeman: A Social History of a Labour ...

The Making of a Policeman: A Social History of a Labour ...

Haia Shpayer-Makov

Haia Shpayer-Makov 2002 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the  ...
Historical Social Research

Historical Social Research

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Organiser: Haia Shpayer-Makov, Clive Emsley Chair: Haia Shpayer-Makov Discussant: Clive Emsley John Drabble: 'A constructive, systematic, coordinated and total effort:' The FBI's Media Campaign against the KKK, 1964-1971 James ...
The English Police: A Political and Social History

The English Police: A Political and Social History

Clive Emsley

... senior officers that the agricultural labourer was the ideal recruit since he was fitter than the. 1. PP 1852—53 (715) XXXVI, Second Report of the Select Committee on Police, q. 2,872. 2. Haia Shpayer-Makov, 'The appeal of country workers: ...
Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950

Police Detectives in History, 1750-1950


Clive Emsley, Haia Shpayer-Makov. Chapter. Two. Tips,. Traps. and. Tropes: Catching. Thieves. in. Post-Revolutionary. Paris. Howard. G. Brown. Si les brigands, a l'approche de l'hiver, redoublent d'audace, le bureau central saura aussi ...
Blasted Literature: Victorian Political Fiction and the ...

Blasted Literature: Victorian Political Fiction and the ...

Deaglan O Donghaile

See Haia Shpayer-Makov, 'Anarchism in British Public Opinion, 1880– 1914', Victorian Studies 31.4, Summer 1988, pp. 487–516. 3. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?, translated from Qu'est-ce que la propriété? by Donald R. Kelley ...
The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and ...

The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and ...

Haia Shpayer-Makov

Explores the diverse and often arcane world of English police detectives during the formative period of their profession, from 1842 until the First World War, with special emphasis on the famed detective branch established at Scotland Yard.
The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and ...

The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and ...

Haia Shpayer-Makov

For the Norwich Police, see Maurice Morson, A Force Remembered (Derby: Breedon Books, 2000), 12, and, for the Leeds Police, see Clay (ed.), The Leeds Police, 13. Police Orders, 3 June 1835. On the evolution of the office of constable, see ...
Sacred Words and Worlds: Geography, Religion, and ...

Sacred Words and Worlds: Geography, Religion, and ...

Zur Shalev

... Wendy Pullan, Theodore Rabb, Eileen Reeves, Aharon Refter, Elhanan Reiner , Franz Reitinger, Thierry Rigogne, Mark Rosen, Rehav (Buni) Rubin, Alessandro Scafi, Eran Shalev, Jonathan Sheehan, Orit Siman-Tov, Haia Shpayer-Makov, ...
Conrad's Secrets

Conrad's Secrets

R. Hampson

HaiaShpayer Makov, TheAscent ofthe Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England (Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress,2011). H.C. Marr, PsychosesofWar, Including Neurasthenia and ShellShock (London: Hodder &Stoughton, ...
Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology ...

Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology ...

Paige West

1988-1989 — Mack returns with biologist Debra Wright and begins construction of the Crater Mountain Biological Research Station (CMBRS) at [the river] Sera near Haia. Wright and Mack receive funding support from wcs, and other U.S. ...

who called from an unknown number?