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The Films of Peter Greenaway: Sex, Death and Provocation

The Films of Peter Greenaway: Sex, Death and Provocation

Douglas Keesey

This book examines nine of Greenaway’s feature films, dedicating a chapter to each: The Draughtsman’s Contract; A Zed and Two Noughts; The Belly of an Architect; Drowning by Numbers; The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover; ...
Science International: A History of the International ...

Science International: A History of the International ...

Frank Greenaway

A History of the International Council of Scientific Unions Frank Greenaway. Preface Our subject is really the betterment of the human condition, but our material is individual scientists choosing to work together and trying to take science ...
New Directions in Emblem Studies

New Directions in Emblem Studies


Art, Allegory and Alchemy in Peter Greenaway ''s Prospero''s Books'' BY M. E. WARLICK UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Within his books and interviews, the British filmmaker Peter Greenaway has often declared his admiration for the history of art and his intentions to create a continuum between European visual traditions and contemporary film. His tributes to famous works of art and architecture within his films are well known.1 Often, he includes specific characters, such as Velasquez''s ...
Plant Life

Plant Life

Theresa Greenaway

This detailed guide to the life cycle of plants is an ideal complement to the National Curriculum.


Theresa Greenaway

Provides a close-up look at the extraordinary inhabitants of Earth's endangered rain forests, from huge spiders that stalk birds to tiny antelopes that can leap nine feet in the air.


Theresa Greenaway

Provides detailed information on the physical characteristics, various species, behavior, habitat, life cycle, and human efforts at conservation of bats, mammals that are able to fly.


Theresa Greenaway

Examines the physical characteristics, behavior, feeding habits, teamwork, defense mechanisms, and habitat of ants, and discusses the threats they face from pesticides and birds.


Theresa Greenaway

Examines the characteristics, life cycle, and natural environment of various types of ferns and discusses their uses as natural medicines and food.
Grasses and Grains

Grasses and Grains

Theresa Greenaway

Discusses the characteristics of different kinds of grasslands in the world and describes the structure of grasses, how they grow and develop, the grains they produce, and their importance to animals and humans.
Playing with Picturebooks: Postmodernism and the Postmodernesque

Playing with Picturebooks: Postmodernism and the Postmodernesque

Cherie Allan

Particular thanks go to Annette Patterson, Amy Cross and Michelle Dicinoski. I also wish to express my gratitude to the members of the Critical Dialogues group, especially Michael Dezuanni, Ruth Greenaway, Erica Hateley, Jo Lampert, ...
The Plant Kingdom: A Guide to Plant Classification and ...

The Plant Kingdom: A Guide to Plant Classification and ...

Theresa Greenaway

Explains what life forms make up the plant kingdom, what characteristics they have in common, and how they are unique.
The Flight of Mehetabel

The Flight of Mehetabel

James Howard Kunstler

The Flight of Mehetabel is the third in Mr. Kunstler's series of children's books for adults. Collect all of his enchanting Jeff Greenaway tales at
Drink and British Politics Since 1830: A Study in Policy Making

Drink and British Politics Since 1830: A Study in Policy Making

J. Greenaway

8 Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration, PP, 1904, (Cd.2175), XXXII; David W. Gutzke, Protecting the Pub: Brewers and Publicans Against Temperance (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1989) pp. 243–4; David W.
Stanley and the Magic Lamp

Stanley and the Magic Lamp

Jeff Brown

He died in Manhattan in 2003. Rob Biddulph is a bestselling and award-winning children’s book author and illustrator. He won the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize for Blown Away and was nominated for the Kate Greenaway medal for GRRRRR!
Freckle Juice

Freckle Juice

Judy Blume

. . Freckle Juice is a humorous adventure for younger readers from literary superstar, Judy Blume, featuring inside illustrations by Kate Greenaway award-winning illustrator, Emily Gravett.
A History of Drink and the English, 1500–2000

A History of Drink and the English, 1500–2000

Paul Jennings

For generously reading and commenting upon various parts of the book I am grateful to John Ackroyd, David Beckingham, David Fahey, John Greenaway, James Kneale, Donna Melia, Dave Russell, George Sheeran, Deborah Toner, Andrew ...
Adaptation and the Avant-Garde: Alternative Perspectives on ...

Adaptation and the Avant-Garde: Alternative Perspectives on ...

William Verrone

Adaptation and the Avant-Garde examines films by Peter Greenaway, Jean-Luc Godard, Guy Maddin, Jan Svankmajer and many others, offering illuminating insights and making us reconsider the nature of adaptation, appropriation, borrowing, and ...

who called from an unknown number?