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The Island: new perspectives on Cape Breton's history, 1713-1990

The Island: new perspectives on Cape Breton's history, 1713-1990

Kenneth Joseph Donovan

CHAPTER 2: Cape Breton and the North Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century 1. Andrew Hill Clark, "New England's Role in the Underdevelopment of Cape Breton Island during the French Regime, 1713-1758," The Canadian Geographer , ...
Second Promised Land: Migration to Alberta and the ...

Second Promised Land: Migration to Alberta and the ...

Harry H. Hiller

Edmonton: Hurtig. Mackenzie, A.A. 1985. “Cape Breton and the Western Harvest Excursions, 1890–1928.” In Cape Breton at 200: Historical Essays in Honour of the Island's Bicentennial, 1785–1985, ed. Kenneth Joseph Donovan, 71–83.
Francophone Women Film Directors: A Guide

Francophone Women Film Directors: A Guide

Janis L. Pallister

... Jacqueline Fontel; Lisa Jouvet; Maryse Marion; Maryse Martin (La patronne du 'Lapin du Morvan'); Jacques Morlaine ... Cast: Daniele Delorme, Therese Dorny, Gabrielle Dorziat, Jacques Duby, Jacques Dumesnil, Jacques Fabbri, Fernand ...
Les collections policières en France: au tournant des années ...

Les collections policières en France: au tournant des années ...

Jacques Breton

GRAFTON Sue Fausse piste (« B * is for Burglar, 1985), trad. de Joëlle Girardin. - 1989, 250 p. En annexe, liste analytique de tous les titres précédents. 29. CARLSON Patricia M. Folie douce... (Murder is académie, 1985), trad. de Ellen Bessis.
Annales de La Societe Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Annales de La Societe Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jacques Berchtold

Sommaire/ Table of contents: Jacques Berchtold et Michel Porret, "Editorial"; Berengere Baucher, "Quand le visage de Glaucos devient statue de Glaucus"; Jacques Berchtold, "La musique des murailles: Rousseau visiteur de Vauban"; Bruno ...
Jacques Plante

Jacques Plante

Todd Denault

But there aren't many important goalies. And Jacques Plante was an important goalie.” Ken Dryden On and off the ice Jacques Plante was a true original; he was extremely talented, boastful, defiant, mysterious, and complex.
Jacques Lacan

Jacques Lacan

Anika Lemaire

Anika Lemaire. Jacques Lacan This page intentionally left blank Anika Lsmairc Jacques Lacan Translated Jacques Lacan.
Recitations of the Past: Identity in Novels by Edith ...

Recitations of the Past: Identity in Novels by Edith ...

Andrea Gale Hammer

**Anika Lemaire, Jacques Lacan, trans. David Macey (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977), p. 7. *Jacques Lacan, £crits, p. 86. *Jacques Lacan, "The mirror stage as formative of the function of the I," in Ecrits, pp. 1-8. 523. Laplanche and ...
Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis

Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis

Dany Nobus

(19771 [1969]) 'Preface', in Anika Lemaire, Jacques Lacan, trans. David Macey, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. vii—xv. 'Préface', in Anika RiffletLemaire , Jacques Lacan, Bruxelles: Pierre Mardaga, 1970, pp. 9—20. (1977m [1969]) ...
Case, Semantic Roles, and Grammatical Relations: A ...

Case, Semantic Roles, and Grammatical Relations: A ...


Löwener Vorarbeiten zur sprachlichen Valenz ed. by Jacques Lerot, Rudolf Kern & Henri Bouillon, 92-103. Louvain: Institut de linguistique de l'université de Louvain. 3067. , Jacques Lerot & Henri Bouillon, eds. 1974. see Lerot, Jacques. 3068 ...
Figures of History

Figures of History

Jacques Rancière

In this important new book the leading philosopher Jacques Rancière continues his reflections on the representative power of works of art.
Foucault with Marx

Foucault with Marx

Jacques Bidet

With this timely commitment, Jacques Bidet unites the theories of arguably the world's two greatest emancipatory political thinkers.
The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The ...

The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The ...

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The three works collected in The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau represent an important contribution to eighteenth-century political theory that has exerted an extensive influence on generations of thinkers, beginning with ...
Globalization and the World Ocean

Globalization and the World Ocean

Peter Jacques

Jacques offers a unique analysis of the connections between global marine and atmospheric conditions to global political phenomena.
Jacques Villon-Cubist Work on Paper

Jacques Villon-Cubist Work on Paper


MOMA, 1953 Jacques Villon, his Graphic Work, Bulletin, Vol. XXL, No. 1. Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1953. 3. SRGM, 1957 Jacques Villon, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp, 1957, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY. 4.
Jacques Lacan: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory

Jacques Lacan: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory


Jacques Lacan (1901-1980) is undoubtedly the central figure of psychoanalysis in the second half of the 20th century.

who called from an unknown number?