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Love and Hate in the Nursery and Beyond: Voices from the ...

Love and Hate in the Nursery and Beyond: Voices from the ...

Jule Eisenbud

In this provocative application of Freudian psychoanalytic theory, Jule Eisenbud probes issues around the Oedipal complex—expressions of infantile desire for the breast, ambivalence towards the mother from dependence on her, and the ...
Parapsychology and the Unconscious

Parapsychology and the Unconscious

Jule Eisenbud

“In the true spirit of a worthy descendant of Freud, Jule Eisenbud boldly takes on some of the most far-reaching questions facing humanity and offers a logically compelling theory that is equal to the questions in its scope and audacity.
Sex Symbols

Sex Symbols

Jule Eisenbud

Sex appeal is an extraordinary elixir when combined with even a modicum of talent, catapulting performers from mediocrity to superstardom.
Seriously Strange: Thinking Anew about Psychical Experiences

Seriously Strange: Thinking Anew about Psychical Experiences

Sudhir Kakar

Jule Eisenbud, 'My Life with the Paranormal', in, R. Pilkington (ed.), Men and Women of Parapsychology: Personal Refections, 1987, McFarland, Jefferron, North Carolina, pp.8–17. 8. J.W. Dunne, AnExperiment with Time, 1927, A. &C. Black ...
Psychic Photography and Thoughtography

Psychic Photography and Thoughtography

Jule Eisenbud

This essay, chapter 13 of Psychic Exploration, delves into psychic photography and thoughtography.

who called from an unknown number?