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INIS Reference Series

INIS Reference Series

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... Keiso (Instrumentation) (Japan) Keiso Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai Ronbunshu (Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) (Japan) Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai Ronbunshu Keisoku To Seigyo (Journal of the Society of ...
Fire technology abstracts

Fire technology abstracts

Johns Hopkins University. Applied Physics Laboratory

Kasai Kasai (Nihon Kasai Gakkai-shi) [Journal of the Fire Prevention Society of Japan] Kautsch Gummi Kunstst ... Keiryo Kanri, Keisoku Keiso Keiso Keiso [ Instrumentation] Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai Ronbunshu Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai ...


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Nihon Gakko Hoken Gakkai Koenshu Gakko Hoken Tokei Chosa Hokokusho ( Monbusho) Gakko Kenchiku Nenpo, ... Gakujutsu Koenkai Yokoshu (Keisoku J ido Seigyo Gakkai) Gakujutsu Koenkai Yokoshu (Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai ...
SICE '94, proceedings of the 33rd SICE annual conference: ...

SICE '94, proceedings of the 33rd SICE annual conference: ...

Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai (Japan). Gakujutsu Kōenkai

... Recognition of Measuring Environments for CARS Thermometer Takashi Moriyama, Tokushima Bunri University, Japan and Kyouji Fukuda, FUTEC Co. Ltd, Japan 721 102 E-4 D Phase-Based Ground Plane Obstacle Detection Atsuto Maki, ...
Abstracts of Science and Technology in Japan: Electronics ...

Abstracts of Science and Technology in Japan: Electronics ...

More editions

IKEGUCHI M, ISHII T, DOI J (Univ. of Tokyo): Keisoku Jido Seigyo Gakkai Ronbunshu (Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) ( ISSN 0453-4654) 28(1). 154-155C92) A bio-molecular backbone is displayed using ...
SICE 2000: Proceedings of the 39th SICE Annual Conference : ...

SICE 2000: Proceedings of the 39th SICE Annual Conference : ...

Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai (Japan). Gakujutsu Kōenkai

This text covers topics such as: signal processing; control design; mechatro system; bio-system; control application; sensor; modelling and simulation; intelligent system; transportation systems; and industrial application.
Proceedings of the ... SICE Annual Conference

Proceedings of the ... SICE Annual Conference

Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai (Japan). Gakujutsu Kōenkai

115 D-l Simulation for Heat Transfer Flow Meter o Takashi Moriyama and Mamoru Kondo (Tokushima Bunri University) 955 115 D~2 Measurement Using CARS Thermometer for the Lean Burning Burner o Takashi Moriyama ( Tokushima Bunri ...
Cybernetics Abstracts

Cybernetics Abstracts

More editions

2 tables. 7 refs. 6.81.220 UDC 681.513.7 Shinnaka Shinji, Suzuki Takashi NEW PARAMETER -TUNING ALGORITHMS FOR ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS "Keisoku jido seigyo gakkai rombunshu, Trans. Soc. Instrum. and Contr. Eng.", 1985, 21, No.
Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai ...

Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai ...

Anne Mette Fisker-Nielsen

Sharma, Namrata (2006) The Education Relevance of Two Thinkers for 21st Century Society: Tsunesaburo Makiguchi in Japan and Mahatma Gandhi in India, PhD thesis, London: Institute of Education. Shimada, Hiromi (2007) Soka Gakkai vs ...
Directory of Japanese scientific periodicals, 1979

Directory of Japanese scientific periodicals, 1979

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横浜市港北区日吉3ー14 - 1 千223 (No.14-1、3-chome、Hiyoshi、Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi 223) ?/irr/ppv/B5/nfs/Jap/Non/C/ISSN 0368-5403 計測自動制御 学会論文集 KEISOKUJIDO SEIGYO GAKKAI RONBUNSHU Transactions of the Soc. of ...


Sekiyu Gakkai (Japan)

1) Ando, H., Inomata, O., Abe, T., Matsuzawa, S., Shimizu, Y., Miyazaki, S., Nenryo Kyokai Shi, 53, 646 (1973). 2) Mitsui, S. ... 3) Murata, K., Makino, T., Nippon Kagaku Kaishi 1975, 192. 4) Iida ... 1kemura, T., Sakikawa, N., ibid., 1976 , 1766.
Engaged Buddhism in the West

Engaged Buddhism in the West


15. In October 1960, President Ikeda visited the United States and appointed leaders for Soka Gakkai groups in seven cities, thus marking the beginning of Soka Gakkai as an organization in the United States. According to James Dator, Soka ...
SPSJ ... Annual Meeting

SPSJ ... Annual Meeting

Kōbunshi Gakkai (Japan)

... Tomoko Tanaka, Toshiki Hagiwara, Takashi Sawaguchi, Shoichiro Yano, Kimio Kurita, and Masatoshi Iguchi E454 IIPc073 Preparation and Physical Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Ti02 Hybrids Tadashi Endo, Keisuke Nishimura, ...
The city

The city

Amerika Gakkai (Japan)

Marlin Stonehouse, "The Michigan Excursion for the Founding of Riverside, California," Michigan History 45 (3) ... to High Tech (Canoga Park: CCA Publications, 1993); Marlin Heckman, Pasadena in Vintage Postcards ( Charleston: Arcadia ...
Global Governance and Japan: The Institutional Architecture

Global Governance and Japan: The Institutional Architecture


... Crises Yukiko Nishikawa Japan's Subnational Governments in International Affairs Purnendra Jain Japan and East Asian Monetary Regionalism Towards a proactive leadership role? Shigeko Hayashi Japan's Relations with China Facing a ...
Governing Insecurity in Japan: The Domestic Discourse and ...

Governing Insecurity in Japan: The Domestic Discourse and ...


... Crises Yukiko Nishikawa Japan's Subnational Governments in International Affairs Purnendra Jain Japan and East Asian Monetary Regionalism Towards a proactive leadership role? Shigeko Hayashi Japan's Relations with China Facing a ...
The Decade of the Great War: Japan and the Wider World in ...

The Decade of the Great War: Japan and the Wider World in ...


16 Susan C. Townsend, Miki Kiyoshi 1897–1945; Japan's Itinerant Philosopher ( Leiden: Brill, 2009), 55, 98–99.17 Smith, “Tokyo,” 60. 18 Masako Gavin, “Abe Iso and New Zealand as a Model for a 'New'Japan,” Japan Forum 16, no.3 (2004): ...
Japan's Security Policy and the ASEAN Regional Forum: The ...

Japan's Security Policy and the ASEAN Regional Forum: The ...

Takeshi Yuzawa

... Julie Gilson, Christopher Hughes and Hugo Dobson Japan's Changing Role in Humanitarian Crises Yukiko Nishikawa Japan and East AsianMonetary Regionalism Towardsa proactiveleadership role? Shigeko Hayashi Japan's Relations ...
Japan: The Cycle of Life

Japan: The Cycle of Life


Original photographs and insightful commentary introduce Japan's natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. These classic images only hint at the story of the seasons in Japan.

who called from an unknown number?