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23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary ...

23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-Term Solitary ...

Keramet Reiter

... colleagues during various phases of graduate training, have inspired me as friends and scholars. Among many supportive family members, my parents, Chuck and Karen Reiter; my cousin, John Neffinger; and my grandfather, Bernie Reiter, ...
Race and the Politics of Knowledge Production: Diaspora and ...

Race and the Politics of Knowledge Production: Diaspora and ...


Available at: Merisotis.pdf Reiter, Bernd. 2010. “Whiteness as Capital: Constructing Inclusion and Defending Privilege.” In Brazil's New Racial Politics, edited by Bernd Reiter and Gladys L. Mitchell, 19–33 .
Building Natural Language Generation Systems

Building Natural Language Generation Systems

Ehud Reiter

Explains how to build computer software systems which generate understandable texts in human languages.
Fractals, Visualization and J

Fractals, Visualization and J

Clifford Reiter

An introduction to mathematical visualization including many fractals and using the J programming language.
International Management and Intercultural Communication: A ...

International Management and Intercultural Communication: A ...


S. Orthaber and R. Márquez-Reiter, 2011, “'Talk to the hand': complaints to a public transport company,” Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 3860–3876. D. Kádár, 2013, Relational rituals and communication: ritual interaction in groups ( Basingstoke, ...
Analyzing Foreign Policy

Analyzing Foreign Policy

Derek Beach

... Reiter and P.K. Huth (1996) 'Assessing the Dyadic Nature of the Democratic Peace', American Political Science Review, Vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 512–33. Russett, Bruce and Steve Oneal (2001) Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, ...
Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence 2

Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence 2


Zeev Collin, Rina Dechter, and Shmuel Katz. On the Feasibility of Distributed Constraint Satisfaction. In John Mylopoulos and Ray Reiter, editors, 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 318-324, Darling Harbour, ...
Assessing the Impact of Transitional Justice: Challenges for ...

Assessing the Impact of Transitional Justice: Challenges for ...


Olsen, Tricia, Sara Dahill-Brown, Courtney Hillebrecht, Leigh Payne, and Andrew Reiter. 2008. “Justice from the Outside In: International Organizations and Transitional Justice.” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International ...
Revue suisse d'art et d'archéologie:

Revue suisse d'art et d'archéologie:

More editions

1 : Die Stadt Zürich III.l: Altstadt rechts der Limmat - Sakralbauten, von Regine Abegg / Christine Barraud Wiener / Karl Grunder, Zürich 2007, S. 82-83. 2 So Adolf Reinle, Der romanische Reiter am Zürcher Grossmünster, in: Die Zähringer.
Feast of color: the Merzbacher-Mayer Collection

Feast of color: the Merzbacher-Mayer Collection

Tobia Bezzola

1999, The Joy of Color, no. 48 • Munich, Lenbachhaus, 2 July -3 Oct. 1999, Das Leben nach Synthese: Neue Kiinstlervereinigung Munich und Blauer Reiter, no. 124 Lit. Maria Jawlensky, Lucia Pieroni- Jawlensky und Angelica Jawlensky, ...
Dresden: Wo Reiter golden und Wunder blau sind

Dresden: Wo Reiter golden und Wunder blau sind

Jan Hübler

... NORDHESSEN Rüdiger Edelmann 978-3-8392-1282-0 978-3-8392-1258-5 978-3-8392-1154-0 978-3-8392-1161-8 978-3-8392-1164-9 978-3-8392-1155-7 978-3-8392-1156-4 978-3-8392-1284-4 978-3-8392-1166-3 978-3-8392-1159-5  ...
The mineral resources of Washington with statistics for 1922

The mineral resources of Washington with statistics for 1922

Solon Shedd

Silver-lead-copper Silver Trinidad Silver-lead Bella May Metallne Pend Oreille . Pend Oreille Reiter . . Pend Oreille . Index Snohomish. . . Copper Bossburg Stevens Silver Silver-lead CheweJah Stevens Silver -lead United Silver-Copper  ...

who called from an unknown number?