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Explorarea imaginara a spatiului

Explorarea imaginara a spatiului

Lucian Boia

Lucian Boia a cercetat cu minuţie produsele acestei febre a „celorlalţi“ publicate în nenumărate lucrări de popularizare a ştiinţei, romane şi reviste.
Romania: Borderland of Europe

Romania: Borderland of Europe

Lucian Boia

In this book the preeminent Romanian historian Lucian Boia examines his native land's development from the Middle Ages to modern times, delineating its culture, history, language, politics and ethnic identity.
Wie Rumänien rumänisch wurde:

Wie Rumänien rumänisch wurde:

Lucian Boia

Lucian Boia beschreibt das Zusammenleben dieses Völkergemischs und führt frühe Versuche der „Vereinheitlichung“ vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg an, bevor er sich ausführlich der massiven Nationalisierung nach 1945 widmet.
Un joc fara reguli: Despre imprevizibilitatea istoriei

Un joc fara reguli: Despre imprevizibilitatea istoriei

Lucian Boia

„Împărţim istoria în bucăţi, pe tranşe cronologice, domenii, probleme, structuri, în timp ce Istoria adevărată le cuprinde pe toate de-a valma.


Lucian (of Samosata.)

Lucian (c. 120-190 CE), apprentice sculptor then travelling rhetorician, settled in Athens and developed an original brand of satire.
The Weather in the Imagination

The Weather in the Imagination

Lucian Boia

What he does tell is a story that runs parallel with the 'true' story of climate and its future: the story of a human imagination that has been stimulated, baffled, infuriated and, from time to time, terrified by the weather.
History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness

Lucian Boia

The strength of History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness lies in the author's ability to fully deconstruct the entire Romanian historiographic system and demonstrate the increasing acuteness of national problems in general, and in ...
Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity

Forever Young: A Cultural History of Longevity

Lucian Boia

135-43; Theodore Krulik, 'The Disease of Longevity: James Gunn's The Immortals' , pp. 175-83; Gregory M. Shreve, 'The Jaded Eternals: Immortality and Imperfection in Jack Vance's To Live Forever' , pp. 185-91. 3 Shreve, "The Jaded  ...
The select dialogues of Lucian: To which is added, a new ...

The select dialogues of Lucian: To which is added, a new ...

Lucian (of Samosata.)

To which is added, a new literal translation in Latin, with notes in English Lucian ( of Samosata.) AOTKIANOT jSAMOSA TEfl-S A 1 A A O r a H B1BAIOM n P C T O N, AIAAOrOS », it may not be amiss previously to observe to the young; reader, ...
Lucian and the Latins: Humor and Humanism in the Early ...

Lucian and the Latins: Humor and Humanism in the Early ...

David Marsh

Explores Lucian's influence on Renaissance writers
Atunci i-am ars două palme

Atunci i-am ars două palme

Teodorovici Lucian Dan

Cam aşa pare să fie şi scriitorul Lucian Dan Teodorovici. Şi aici trebuie adăugat, pentru cei care se întreabă cum face să se descurce, că Lucian Dan Teodorovici are şi un alt job în afară de acela de scriitor. Şi e fericit că jobul lui înseamnă tot ...
Lucian's True History:

Lucian's True History:

Lucian of Samosata

Romance, criticism, satire—he mastered them all. In Toxaris and The Ass he proves with what delicacy and restraint he could handle the story.
Satirical sketches

Satirical sketches

Lucian (of Samosata.)

These sketches present him primarly as a humorous writer, making Lucian's special charm accessible to an age which largely shares his spirit.
Works of Lucian of Samosata

Works of Lucian of Samosata

Lucian Of Samosata

It was in the book of Fate that even this age of ours should not be destitute entirely of noteworthy and memorable men but produce a body of extraordinary power and a mind of surpassing wisdom.
Works of Lucian of Samosata (Complete Four Volumes)

Works of Lucian of Samosata (Complete Four Volumes)

Lucian of Samosata

The only objections to the book (if they are objections) are that it is in French, and of 400 octavo pages. It is eminently readable.
Lucian Freud Drawings

Lucian Freud Drawings

Lucian Freud

This stunning book brings together key works from Freuds entire career, including more than 140 paintings, drawings, and etchings.Rizzoli
Ontbijten met Lucian

Ontbijten met Lucian

Geordie Greig

Zo is Ontbijten met Lucian, drie jaar na zijn dood, een pregnant intiem portret geworden van de kunstenaar als jonge en als ouder wordende man.
Circul nostru va prezinta:

Circul nostru va prezinta:

Lucian Dan Teodorovici

Lucian Dan Teodorovici este unul dintre scriitorii cu care a debutat programul „Voteaza literatura tanara!“ „In pofida deriziunii insa cartea lui Teodorovici e trista ca existentialismul de circiuma si gang.
Str. Revolutiei

Str. Revolutiei

Lucian Dan Teodorovici

Volum coordonat si prefatat de Dan Lungu si Lucian Dan TeodoroviciLa douazeci de ani de la Revolutie douazeci de texte ale unor autori provenind din zone culturale diferite – literatura teatru coregrafie jurnalistica etc. – ilustreaza o ...
Colazione con Lucian Freud

Colazione con Lucian Freud

Geordie Greig

Libro caleidoscopico, basato su lunghe conversazioni con gli amici, i figli e i conoscenti più stretti di Freud, Colazione con Lucian Freud è un ritratto intimo dell'artista da giovane e nella vecchiaia, un racconto affascinante, ...
Café com Lucian Freud: Um retrato do artista

Café com Lucian Freud: Um retrato do artista

Geordie Greig

A combinação de todas essas informações faz de Café com Lucian Freud um livro extremamente interessante, não apenas por seu caráter intimista, mas por retratar a personalidade genial que deixou como legado uma obra única e eterna, ...

who called from an unknown number?