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Paulus im Gespräch: Themen paulinischer Theologie

Paulus im Gespräch: Themen paulinischer Theologie

Marlis Gielen

Glauben in katechismusartige Lehrsatze zu giessen, liegt ihm fern. Das zeigt Marlis Gielen an unterschiedlichen Themen auf: Paulus betreibt Theologie im argumentativen Diskurs und in situationsbedingter Konkretheit.
Der Konflikt Jesu mit den religiösen und politischen ...

Der Konflikt Jesu mit den religiösen und politischen ...

Marlis Gielen

Frau Patricia Anslinger, Frau Verena Löhr und Frau Stefanie Radke erfüllten sorgfältig den Part des Korrekturlesens. Ihnen allen gilt ein herzliches Dankeschön! Bonn, im Januar 1998 Marlis Gielen MEINEM LEHRER HELMUT MERKLEIN ...
The Colossian and Ephesian Haustafeln in Theological ...

The Colossian and Ephesian Haustafeln in Theological ...

James P. Hering

These elements, distilled over years of research concerning the elementary form of the Haustafel, are, according to Marlis Gielen: 1 . A closed parenetic unit which stands out from its context; 2. The subjects are addressed in pairs and ...
Christian Origins and Greco-Roman Culture: Social and ...

Christian Origins and Greco-Roman Culture: Social and ...


In time, that which dened their form was rened to eight common elements according to Marlis Gielen: . It is composed of a closed parenetic unit that stands out from its context. . The subjects are addressed in pairs in sequence. . There is a ...
The Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekkl?sia: Volume 164: ...

The Pauline Church and the Corinthian Ekkl?sia: Volume 164: ...

Richard Last

65 Marlis Gielen, 'Zur Interpretation der paulinischen Formel ἡκατ' οἶκον ἐκκλησία', ZNW 109–25 (113–14). 66 See also IAlexandriaK 91.3 (Alexandria, Egypt; 3/4 CE). 67 The fact that many of these texts employ ἐν rather than Paul's κατά is ...
Die Passionserzählung in den vier Evangelien: literarische ...

Die Passionserzählung in den vier Evangelien: literarische ...

Marlis Gielen

Die Evangelien wollen weder vom offentlichen Wirken Jesu noch von seinem Leiden und Sterben ein historisches Protokoll bieten.
A New Family: Conversion and Ecclesiology in the Early ...

A New Family: Conversion and Ecclesiology in the Early ...

Karl Olav Sandnes

Marlis Gielen has taken a more radical position vis-a-vis the common opinion; in fact she rejects the distinction between local church and household churches. She argues that the formula "the church in the house (he kat oikon ekklesia)" is in  ...
Einleitung in das Neue Testament

Einleitung in das Neue Testament

Thomas Schmeller

Thomas Schmeller, Dietrich Rusam, Martin Ebner, Stefan Schreiber, Martin Karrer, Michael Theobald, Gerd Häfner, Matthias Konradt, Marlis Gielen, Joachim Kügler. IV. Der erste Korintherbrief (Thomas Schmeller) V. Der zweite Korintherbrief ...
Love Bomb and the Pink Platoon: (with C.M. Duffy cover)

Love Bomb and the Pink Platoon: (with C.M. Duffy cover)

Ryan Gielen

called Richards. Newman watched himself cock the gun, bringing a bullet into the chamber. He wanted to stop himself but something told him to let go, to simply watch, that whatever was happening was right. “lad, if you're out there .
When Broadway Was the Runway: Theater, Fashion, and American ...

When Broadway Was the Runway: Theater, Fashion, and American ...

Marlis Schweitzer

On suffragette stereotypes and attempts to refute the same, see Wendy Parkins, “ 'The Epidemic of Purple,White and Green': Fashion and the Suffragette Movement in Britain 1908–14,” in Fashioning the Body Politic: Dress, Gender, ...
Gender Across Languages

Gender Across Languages


Marlis Hellinger, Heiko Motschenbacher ... I was most fortunate in that Heiko Motschenbacher, a widely published expert in gender and queer linguistics, agreed to join me on the project. Working with him on the fourth volume of Gender ...
Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men

Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men

Maria Charles

In particular, this book is much the better for the contributions of Karen Aschaffenburg, David Baker, Jim Baron, Karen Bradley, Mary Brin- ton, Marlis Buchmann, Diane Burton, Lisa Catanzarite, Mariko Lin Chang, Clifford Clogg, Raymond ...

who called from an unknown number?