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Osmanlı Arşiv belgelerindeki Trabzonlu devlet adamları ve ...

Osmanlı Arşiv belgelerindeki Trabzonlu devlet adamları ve ...

Mehmet Akif Bal

Trabzon (Turkey); officials and employees; biography.
Osmanlıdan Cumhuriyete Trabzonlu simalar ve Trabzon'un köklü ...

Osmanlıdan Cumhuriyete Trabzonlu simalar ve Trabzon'un köklü ...

Mehmet Akif Bal

ATASE Türk Askeri Tarih Komisyonu (TATK) Genel Sekreteri Tuğgeneral Erdal YURDAKUL, 1944 yılında Trabzon'da doğdu. İlk, orta ve lise öğrenimini, babasının subay olması dolayısıyla değişik yerlerde tamamladı. 1965 yılında Kara Harp ...
Trabzonlu ünlü simalar ve Trabzon'un ünlü aileleri

Trabzonlu ünlü simalar ve Trabzon'un ünlü aileleri

Mehmet Akif Bal

YURDAKUL, ERDAL12« Tuğgeneral Erdal YURDAKUL, 1944 yılında Trabzon'da doğdu. İlk ve orta öğrenimini, babasının subay olması dolayısıyla değişik yerlerde tamamladı. 1965 yılında Kara Harp Okulu'nu, 1966 yılında ise Topçu ve Füze ...
A Mieke Bal Reader

A Mieke Bal Reader

Mieke Bal

The essays include some of Bal’s most characteristic and provocative work, capturing her at the top of her form. “Narration and Focalization,” for example, provides the groundwork for Bal’s ideas on narrative, while “Reading Art ...
Double Exposures: The Practice of Cultural Analysis

Double Exposures: The Practice of Cultural Analysis

Mieke Bal

A feminist literary theorist, specialist in Rembrandt, and a scholar with a knack for reading Old Testament stories, Mieke Bal weaves a tapestry of signs and meanings that enrich our senses.
Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide

Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide

Mieke Bal

Bal's focus for this book is the idea that interdisciplinarity in the humanities ? necessary, exciting, serious ? must seek its heuristic and methodological basis in concepts rather than its methods.
Bal's Spice Kitchen

Bal's Spice Kitchen

Bal Arneson

Collects recipes for favorite dishes such as mac and cheese, braised short ribs, and mashed potatoes complemented by new spice combinations using the herbs and spices of India, with a guide to creating spice mixtures and a spice glossary.
Bal's Quick & Healthy Indian

Bal's Quick & Healthy Indian

Bal Arneson

Presents photographs, instructions, and recipes for 120 dishes that combine healthy ingredients with Indian spices and flavors, along with sample menus to use for special occasions and a directory of wineries in the British Columbia area.
Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

Mieke Bal

Narratology is a systematic account of narrative techniques, methods, their transmission, and reception, in which Bal distills years of study of the ways in which we understand both literary and non-literary works.
Of What One Cannot Speak: Doris Salcedo's Political Art

Of What One Cannot Speak: Doris Salcedo's Political Art

Mieke Bal

Yet Bal draws out even deeper responses to the work, questioning the nature of political art altogether and introducing concepts of metaphor, time, and space in order to contend with Salcedo’s powerful sculptures and installations.
Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential ...

Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential ...

Janet Rumbarger

... to 50 Up to 10 Up to 8' between subpurlins Deflection and creep Roger K Lewis. FAIA, and Mehmet T. Ergene. Architect; Roger K. Lewis, FAIA, & Associates; Washington, DC. Roof Structure Assemblies 77 Roger K. Lewis, FAIA , and Mehmet.
Literature and theology at century's end

Literature and theology at century's end

Gregory Salyer

16-38. 63. Bal, "Dealing with Women," p. 21. 64. On the question of name and narrative power see Bal, "Dealing with Women," pp. 18, 19. 65. Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale, p. 240. 66. Gloria Neufeld Redekop, "Let the Women Learn: I Timothy ...
Türk dünyası edebiyat tarihi

Türk dünyası edebiyat tarihi

Türk Dünyası Ortak Edebiyatı Projesi

geldiğini, çoğunluğunun esnaf olduğunu (Attar Şükrü Efendi, Demirci Edhem, Deveci Ali, Divitçi Mehmet, Döşemeci İsmail, Hacı Bekçi, Hamamcı Süleyman, Kağıtçı Ahmet, Kantarcı Kadri. Kaşıkçı Mehmet vb. ) kaydeder. Kendi mesleklerini  ...
Bursa il yıllığı, 1967

Bursa il yıllığı, 1967

More editions

20 Belediye Meclisi Üyeleri Galip Aydm, Salih Kali, Ali Sadi Fidm Mustafa Atan, Yusuf Dönmez, Arif Koşar, Mehmet Demiralp, Ali Kıhcı, Mehmet Hatay, Ali Tura. Hüseyin Kurnaz, Hüseyin Salih. (2) ARMUTLU BELEDİYESİ Başkan Abdullah ...
Dümbüllü İsmail Efendi

Dümbüllü İsmail Efendi

Sadi Yaver Ataman

Paçavracı İsmail, Tesbihci Mehmet, Döşemeci İsmail. Rıza kocakarıya çıkardı. Asım, Eşekçi Mehmet, Hayalî Ömer. Bu sonuncusu Karagöz de oynattığı için Hayalî Ömer derlerdi. ABDÜRREZZAK EFENDİ Abdürrezzalc Efendi, Şehzade camisi ...

who called from an unknown number?