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Translator Self-training Chinese: Practical Course in ...

Translator Self-training Chinese: Practical Course in ...

Morry Sofer

ASSIGNMENT 2: TRANSLATION [page 1] AFFIDAVIT swear: I, Hao Jingfang, to avoid being accused of offering false testimony, do solemnly 1) The following declarations are made based on ray personal knowledge. 2) I am a citizen of the  ...
A History of Our Irish American Cody Family

A History of Our Irish American Cody Family

William Howard Wright

This indenture made this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine between William Cody, Charles "Cody, Nancy Cody, Elizabeth Cody, Polly Cody, Nathaniel Matthews and Elcy his wife and Morry Clarke and Martha ...

who called from an unknown number?