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The Changing Face of Warfare in the 21st Century

The Changing Face of Warfare in the 21st Century

Gregory Simons

of defending the US soldiers from lawfare when it opposed the US participation in the ICC, in order to avoid the hostile actors or organisations bring ... (Kittrie 2010: 403) Orde Kittrie, is one of the authors who makes a plea for offensive lawfare.
The War Against Authority: From the Crisis of Legitimacy to ...

The War Against Authority: From the Crisis of Legitimacy to ...

Nicholas N. Kittrie

In Kittrie's most provocative work to date he explores the causes of escalating worldwide racial, cultural, political and social discontent.
Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War

Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War

Orde F. Kittrie

199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. Id. Washington Univ. Law, Faculty Profiles, BrianZ. Tamanaha, https://law. BrianZ. Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End: Threat to the Rule of Law 1 (2006 ).
Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War

Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War

Orde F. Kittrie

Jack Shenker & Conal Urquhart, “Sabotage” Sinks Plans for Gaza Flotilla, The Guardian, July 6, 2011; Michael Jansen, Greece Prohibits Gaza Flotilla Boats from Leaving Its Ports, Irish Times, July 4, 2011. Shenker & Urquhart, supra note 72.
Female Desire

Female Desire

Rosalind Coward

Allerlei aspecten van vrouwenverlangens komen aan de orde.
Social Order/mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in ...

Social Order/mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in ...

Andrew T. Scull

At least since the end of World War II, we have been moving away from a punitive and toward what Kittrie has termed a “therapeutic” state; that is, one that enshrines the psychiatric worldview." Just as “in the eighteenth and nineteenth ...
Harm in American Penology: Offenders, Victims, and Their ...

Harm in American Penology: Offenders, Victims, and Their ...

Todd R. Clear

It is instructive to list some noteworthy examples of this line of argument in temporal order, and then to recite their main claims. George ... Also that year, Kittrie's (1971) unrelenting criticism of the coercive mental health practice was published.
Freedom Under Fire: U.S. Civil Liberties in Times of War

Freedom Under Fire: U.S. Civil Liberties in Times of War

Michael Linfield

Order No. 9835 (March 25, 1947). 83. Kittrie and Wedlock, The Tree of Liberty, p. 445 84. Chafee, "Statement in Opposition to a Bill. . .Entitled To Protect the U.S. against Un-American and Subversive Activities, 1950,' " p. 46. 85. Goldstein ...
The Burma Campaign: Disaster into Triumph 1942-45

The Burma Campaign: Disaster into Triumph 1942-45

Frank McLynn

Against this extraordinary backdrop, Frank McLynn constructs the dramatic story of the four larger-than-life commanders directing the Allied effort: Louis Mountbatten, Orde Wingate, Joseph Stilwell and William Slim, and explores the ...
New Netherland [electronic resource]: a Dutch colony in ...

New Netherland [electronic resource]: a Dutch colony in ...


'Schepens' Register'. In: Yearbook ofthe Holland Society ofNew York (1900), 158 –169. Schepper, H. de, and M. Vrolijk, 'Vrede en orde door gratie. In Holland en Zeeland onder Habsburgers en de Republiek, 1500–1650'. In: M. Bruggeman et  ...
An introduction to political crime

An introduction to political crime

Jeffrey Ian Ross

... the exclusion and expulsion of politically suspect aliens,the callingupof the military,the impositionof martial law, andthe confinement of suspect populations in special campsas tools to maintain political order. (Kittrie and Wedlock, 1986,p. xii) ...
السلاح النووى بين مبادئ الشرعية الدولية وحتميات القوة:

السلاح النووى بين مبادئ الشرعية الدولية وحتميات القوة:

رانيه محمد طاهر

Puzzling Evidence from Terrorism Insurance Markets,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 18: 4 2006 NicholasEverstadt, NorthKorea' sReunificationPolicy: A Long failed Gamble, Korea and World Affairs, Vol.20, No. 3,Fall 1996 OrdeF.Kittrie ...
Hubungan luar negeri Indonesia selama Orde Baru

Hubungan luar negeri Indonesia selama Orde Baru

Centre for Strategic and International Studies

Asnani Usman memaparkan beberapa faktor yang menarik perhatian dan mendorong Indonesia meningkatkan kegiatan diplomasinya terhadap negara- negara di kawasan Pasifik Selatan. Asnani Usman berkesimpulan bahwa kegiatan ...
Contact met dierbaren na zelfdoding: een troostrijk boek ...

Contact met dierbaren na zelfdoding: een troostrijk boek ...

Steffany Barton

Julie leek oké. Maar Julie was niet oké. Julie was ongeneeslijk ziek en zou een langzame, pijnlijke dood sterven. Het was op geen enkele test te zien en al haar bloedwaarden waren in orde, maar ze was ziek, diep ongelukkig, depressief en ...
British Policy and European Reconstruction After the First ...

British Policy and European Reconstruction After the First ...

Anne Orde

International Financial Conference, Brussels. Report of the Advisory Committee. Geneva 1920. International Financial Conference, Brussels 1920. Documents. Brussels 1920. International Financial Conference, Brussels 1920. Proceedings.

who called from an unknown number?