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Betriebliche Marktforschung: Mehrwert für Marketing, ...

Betriebliche Marktforschung: Mehrwert für Marketing, ...

Marco Ottawa

Jenster,PerV./Solberg Søilen,Klaus(2009): Market Intelligence. BuildingStrategic Insight. Kopenhagen: CopenhagenBusiness School Press. Kairies,Peter(2005): So analysieren SieIhre Konkurrenz. Konkurrenzanalyse undBenchmarking ...
Internationale Wirtschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure, ...

Internationale Wirtschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Akteure, ...


HUDSON, heather (1997): Global connections: International telecommunications infrastructure and policy. New York. ig Metall (Hrsg.) (2004): Offshore. Total Global?. Frankfurt a. M. jenster, PerV.; pedersen, henrik S. (2000): Outsourcing - facts ...
Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability

Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability

Per V. Jenster

If you have to: * prepare a strategic plan * review a strategic situation as a newly appointed chief executive or manager * consider a candidate in an acquisition, merger or strategic alliance situation * enhance your profits * plan a ...
Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments

Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments

Roger A. Kerin

8 quick-service restaurant industry, 341 recruitment study, 138 semiconductor industry, 525 tire industry, 420 watchmaking industry, 534 Jaworski, B., 523 Jeni, Diane, 393, 403-6 Jenster, PerV., 523 johri, Rajive, 270 Joint ventures, 8-9, 107,  ...

who called from an unknown number?