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Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard's The Dark Knight: A ...

Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard's The Dark Knight: A ...

Vasco Hexel

This volume offers a unique insight into the film and its music, detailing how the two composers created the memorable score.
Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of ...

Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of ...

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

More, here are fascinating stories, brilliantly told -- of the voyages of Chinese admiral Chen Ho and Portuguese commodore Vasco da Gama, of the Great Khan and the Great Zimbabwe.
Nueva estafeta

Nueva estafeta

More editions

La parte tercera se titula Historia que un día se sabrá o la verdad sobre la muerte de Sebastián Melmoth II, llamado también Julio César Expósito o viceversa, y se «escenifica» ya en el País Vasco, surgiendo un conglomerado entre miembros ...



Em 'Os Lusíadas', Camões exalta o valor e os feitos d'os lusitanos, através da narrativa da fabulosa viagem de Vasco da Gama em busca do caminho marítimo para a Índia.
Luis de Camoes - The Lusiad -

Luis de Camoes - The Lusiad -

Luís Vaz De Camoes

During this time he was shipwrecked and some romantics claim that he swam ashore whilst holding aloft the manuscript of his unfinished epic; Os Lusiadas, the poetical tale of how Vasco da Gama discovered India.
Trade Relations Between the Bight of Benin and Bahia from ...

Trade Relations Between the Bight of Benin and Bahia from ...

Pierre Verger

CONSTRUCTION OF THE WHYDAH FORT BY JOSEPH DE TORRES HIS DIFFICULTIES WITH THE LAW In 1721 one of the first initiatives of Vasco Fernandez Cesar de Meneses was to authorize the sea and war captain Joseph de Torres to ...
Brasil-França: relações históricas no período colonial

Brasil-França: relações históricas no período colonial

Vasco Mariz

Finalmente, é indispensável sublinhar a significação do aparecimento do livro Guia de fontes para a história franco-brasileira, com organização de Marco Antonio Gonçalves Machado, editado pelo Projeto Resgate do Ministério da Cultura, ...
Luis de Camoes - The Lusiad - Part II: Times Change, as Do ...

Luis de Camoes - The Lusiad - Part II: Times Change, as Do ...

Luís Vaz De Camoes

During this time he was shipwrecked and some romantics claim that he swam ashore whilst holding aloft the manuscript of his unfinished epic; Os Lusiadas, the poetical tale of how Vasco da Gama discovered India.
La carta

La carta

Raúl Guerra Garrido

El ficticio pueblo vasco de Eibain, en el que con el tiempo la irracionalidad del terror ha sustituido los intentos de justificación ideológica de la barbarie presentes en "Lectura insólita de El Capital" es el lugar donde RAÚL GUERRA ...
Serviços Bibliográficos da Livraria Portugal

Serviços Bibliográficos da Livraria Portugal

Livraria Portugal. Serviços Bibliográficos

... Fernanda Luisa Marques Guimarães ... 15800 VASCO DA GAMA — Notas Históricas e Genealógicas, por Francisco Carlos de Azeredo Pinto Melo e Leme 40S00 O. C. D. E. AIDE AU DÉVELOPPEMENT — Efforts et Politiques Poursuivis  ...
Teatro vasco. Historia, reseñas y entrevistas, antología ...

Teatro vasco. Historia, reseñas y entrevistas, antología ...


9 Patri Urkizu (ed.), Jundane Jakobe ltandiaren tragerï'a (1634). Lelien euskal antzerkia. Errenteria— ko Udala, 1996, 267—269, VV 5496 — 5684. Aunque el manuscrito es del último tercio del siglo XVIII, es co— pia de otro anterior del XVII .
Encyclopedia of Library History

Encyclopedia of Library History

F William Summers Professor Emeritus School of Library and Information Studies Wayne A Wiegand

Contribution of Christians to the development of libraries in India began with Vasco da Gama in 1498. ... British power) to the development of libraries was the establishment of academies such as Calcutta Madrasa and Calcutta Sanskrit College, to which libraries were attached. ... By the Indian University Act of 1904 it was made compulsory for colleges to have libraries and to lend books to their students.

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