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Breaking the Silence: Redress and Japanese American Ethnicity

Breaking the Silence: Redress and Japanese American Ethnicity

Yasuko I. Takezawa

1975. Ethnic Identity: Its Logical Foundations and Its Dysfunctions. In Ethnic Identity: Cultural Continuities and Change, ed. George De Vos and Lola Romanucci-Ross, pp. 42-70. Berkeley: University of California Press. De Vos, George. 1955.
Review of Japanese Culture and Society

Review of Japanese Culture and Society

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dents from both Columbia University and the Institute of Fine Arts— Rosina Buckland, Chelsea Foxwell, Meghen Jones, Tomoko Sakomura, Mari Takamatsu, and Yasuko Tsuchikane— provided important assistance leading up to and during ...
Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War: The Yakeato Generation

Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War: The Yakeato Generation


Available online at biennialconference/2006/proceedings.html Panel Title: True Survivors: the ' yakeato sedai' in Contemporary Japanese Literature – Panel B302 Chair: Roman Rosenbaum Yasuko ...

who called from an unknown number?