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Türk Basınında Bediüzzaman ve Risale-i Nur:

Türk Basınında Bediüzzaman ve Risale-i Nur:

Hasan Köksal

Ankara, Mete Akyol bildiriyor Saidi Nursî, üç DP mebusunun dâveti üzerine dün saat 10.30 da Emirdağ'dan şehrimize gelmiştir. Hususi arabası ile gelen Bediüzzaman, Beyrut Palas otel37 numaralı odasında kalmakta ve müritleri ile kendisini ...
A Baghdad Cookery Book: The Book of Dishes (Kitāb Al-ṭabīkh)

A Baghdad Cookery Book: The Book of Dishes (Kitāb Al-ṭabīkh)

Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Ibn al-Karīm

This special issue of Petits Propos Culinaires is wholly devoted to a new translation of the text called, for convenience' sake, A Baghdad Cookery Book, that is, The Book of Dishes (Kitab al-Tabikh) by Muhammad b. al-Hasan b.


Heather Hasan

Explores the element of Aluminum and its uses.
Qajar portraits

Qajar portraits

Julian Raby

Abolala Soudavar has suggested that he might be identified as Yahya, one of the sons of Sani' al-Mulk, and a cousin of Kamal al-Mulk. Though both he and his father were known as Abu'l Hasan (n and 1n, respectively), there is no evidence,  ...


Heather Hasan

Explains the characteristics of iron, where it is found, how it is used by humans, and its relationship to other elements found in the periodic table.
Regionalizing pan-islamism: documents on the Khilafat Movement

Regionalizing pan-islamism: documents on the Khilafat Movement

Mushirul Hasan

This Book Brings Together An Important Collection Of Documents That Have Not Been Used Before By The Historians Of The Khilafat And Non-Coperation Movements.
The Future of Policing

The Future of Policing


He, with Nick Johns,hasan editedcollection entitled Evaluating thePolitical Achievement of New LabourSince 1997: Social Policy andPublicTrust, published byEdward Mellen Pressin 2009. He has a forthcomingbook, alsowith NickJohns ...
Asian Affairs

Asian Affairs

More editions

3, 25-39, July - September 2006 m cdrb VDl publication HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE TEA GARDENERS : CASE STUDY OF SELECTED GARDENS IN SYLHET TULSHI KUMAR DAS S.M.HASAN ZAK1RUL ISLAM Abstract : An attempt has been ...
Journal of Palestine Studies

Journal of Palestine Studies

More editions

Katz, Sheila H. Women and Gender in Early Jewish and Palestinian Nationalism in JWH 18, no. 1 (06): 203-11 (C. Weber). Kayali, Hasan. Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arab is in, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918 [in ...
Private View

Private View

Khālid Ḥasan

MY FAVOURITE ABSCONDER Wherever Mohammad Javed Ahmed, son of Mohammad Ramzan, junior clerk Forest Department, once resident at Quarter No 5, Line No 509, Loco Shed, Lahore, happens to be now, I wish him luck and hope  ...
The Institution of the Hasmonean High Priesthood

The Institution of the Hasmonean High Priesthood

Vasile Babota

5 vols. Ed. by Thomas Alan Dorey et al. Bibliotheca Scrip- torvm Graecorvm et Romanorvm Tevbneriana. Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1971– 1991. Malay, Hasan, ed. “Letter of Antiochos III to Zeuxis with Two Covering Letters.
Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in ...

Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in ...

Hasan Kayali

Arabs and Young Turks provides a detailed study of Arab politics in the late Ottoman Empire as viewed from the imperial capital in Istanbul.
Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds

Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds

Natalie Zemon Davis

Natalie Zemon Davis offers a virtuoso study of the fragmentary, partial, and often contradictory traces that al-Hasan al-Wazzan left behind him, and a superb interpretation of his extraordinary life and work.
Recent Progress in Mitral Valve Disease

Recent Progress in Mitral Valve Disease

Carlos Duran

... N. Paul Silverton, Syed S. Hasan and Pierre L. Coulon 18 Current status and the future of tissue valves 234 Alain Carpentier 19 The performance of the Hancock bioprosthetic valve over an 11% year followup period: a preliminary report 244 ...
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs

Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs

More editions

2, June - August 2000. 3. Guclu, Yucel. "Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism and Islamism in The Ottoman Empire, 1908 - 1918" by Hasan Kayah, Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1997, pp. 291, Vol. IV, No.
Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and ...

Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and ...


Eugene Steele. in Humanities Edited by Banu Akçeşme, Hasan Baktır and Eugene Steele This book first published 2016 Cambridge Scholars Publishing Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK British Library ...
Sectarianism in Iraq: The Making of State and Nation Since 1920

Sectarianism in Iraq: The Making of State and Nation Since 1920

Khalil Osman

104 Muzaffar, op.cit.,p. 867; and Hasan Özmen, al-Turkuman fi al-3Iraq wa Huquq al-Insan [The Turkmensin Iraq and Human Rights], 1st Edition (Ankara, Turkey: Published bythe author, 2002): pp. 139¥41. 105 Kelsey Shanks, ...
VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: ...

VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy: ...


... Josef Sebera Michael G. Sideris Nico Sneeuw Robert Tenzer Peter J.G. Teunissen Carl Christian Tscherning Ilias Tziavos Giovanna Venuti Pieter NAM Visser Jinling Wang Simon David Paul Williams Hasan Yildiz 334 List of Reviewers.
Minimum Deterrence and India's Nuclear Security

Minimum Deterrence and India's Nuclear Security


See also Rajesh M. Basrur and Hasan-Askari Rizvi, "Nuclear Terrorism and South Asia," Occasional Paper, 25, Cooperative Monitoring Center, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, February 2003; and Rajesh M. Basrur and ...
Indian Numismatic Chronicle

Indian Numismatic Chronicle

More editions

R. K. Ghaudhary Dr. B. B. Mishra Dr. K. N. Das Shri Bireshwar Prasad Singh Dr. Hasan Nishat Ansari Dr. Lekhnath Mishra Shri L. A. Narain Shri Chitta Ranjan Prasad Sinha Shri Jai Narain Thakur Editorial Advisory Board : Dr. P. N. Ojha Dr.
The Shias of Pakistan: An Assertive and Beleaguered Minority

The Shias of Pakistan: An Assertive and Beleaguered Minority

Andreas Rieck

... S. Kazim Ja'fari, Karim Bakhsh Haidari, S. Muhammad Ali Shamsi, Pir S. Nawazish Ali (Jahanian Shah), S. Malik Mahdi Hasan 'Alavi, S. Jamil Husain Rizvi and Khwaja Muhammad Latif Ansari; from the APSC: Muhammad Bashir Ansari, ...
The Journal of the Bihar Research Society

The Journal of the Bihar Research Society

More editions

R. K. Choudhary Dr. B. B. Mishra Dr. K. N. Das Shri Bireshwar Prasad Singh Dr. Hasan Nishat Ansari Dr. Lekhnath Mishra Shri L. A. Narain « □ Shri Chitta " Ranjan Prasad Sinha Shri Jai Narain Thakur Editorial Advisory Board : □ , k\ i ...
Directory of physicians in the United States

Directory of physicians in the United States

American Medical Association

704 NE 10 AVE 32601 #0114)3 L93 FP '012 ABU-HASAN, Mutaslm N. 2000 SW 16TH ST APT 127 32608 #5754)1 PD '012 ABU-RUSTUM, Reem Sameer. 5332 SW 88TH CT 32608 #01103 OBG '012 ABUSHAMAT, Abdelraouf F. 2701 NW ...
Geçmişten günümüze Kosova tarihi ve Türkiye-Kosova ilişkileri

Geçmişten günümüze Kosova tarihi ve Türkiye-Kosova ilişkileri

İskender Özbay

makale/10405 -IHH Kosova Raporu 13 Temmuz 2008. temp508.pdf Stratejik Analiz, Kasım 2007 Erhan Türbedar, Sadi Çaycı, Hasan Kanbolat; “Kendi Kaderini Tayin Hakkı ve Ayrılıkçılık: Kosova'nın Bağımsızlığı Emsal ...
Haifa Before & After 1948: Narratives of a Mixed City: Part 1

Haifa Before & After 1948: Narratives of a Mixed City: Part 1

Mustafa Abbasi

Part 1 Mustafa Abbasi, Ami Ayalo, David De Vries, Avner Giladi, Manar Hasan, Waleed Karkabi, Johnny Manour, Salman Natour, Dan Rabinowitz, Adi Roitenberg, Abbas Shiblak, Regev Nathansohn Mahmoud Yazbak, Yfaat Weiss. EDITORS ...
AKKOYUNLULAR: Osmanlı için söğüt ne ise Akkoyunlular için ...

AKKOYUNLULAR: Osmanlı için söğüt ne ise Akkoyunlular için ...

İbrahim Sarı

Bizans Osmanlılarca fethedilince Fatih Trabzon u de vergiye bağladı.Trabzon vergi vermektense Akkoyunlular ile anlaşma yoluna gitti.Akkoyunlu Hükümdarı Uzun Hasan Bey bir kez daha bir kral kızıyla evlenmiş ve Trabzon kralları ile ...
The Reign of Al-Hakim Bi Amr Allah (386/996-411/1021): A ...

The Reign of Al-Hakim Bi Amr Allah (386/996-411/1021): A ...

Sadik A. Assaad

Muhammad, lived during the second half of the 7th/13th century and the first half of the 8th/14th century). al-Baydn al-Mughrib fi Akhbar al- Andalus wa al-Maghrib , ed. G.S. Colin and E. Levi-Provencal, Leiden (1948-51). Ibn al-'Imad, ('Abd al- Hayy b. Ahmad al-Hanbali, d. 1089/1679). Shadhardt al-Dhahab fi Akhbar man Dhahab, ed. M. al-Qudsi, (1350/1931). al-Idfuwi, (Ja'far b. Tha'lab, d. 748/1347). Al-Tdli' al-Sa'id al-Jami' Asmd' Nujaba' al- Sa'id, ed. S.M. Hasan and T. al-Hajri, ...
Proceedings of the Third International Afro-European ...

Proceedings of the Third International Afro-European ...


Khan, Shoab Ahmed, 288, 311 Khawaja, S.G., 311 Kherallah, Monji, 149, 350, 360, 370 Khlifa, Nawres, 97 Kilani, Neji, 1 Kilany, Moataz, 299, 330 Kim, Dong Seong, 188 Krc, Pavel, 248 Kujawińska, Agnieszka, 47 L Lazrag, Hilmi, 218 Lishou, ... 340 U Uher, Vojtěch, 128 Ul Haq, Muhammad Aziz, 321 Ul Hasan, Najam, 119 V Vondrák, Ivo, 77, 87 W Wazir, Kamran, 340 Z Zahi, A., 138 Zghaibeh, Manaf, 119 Žídek, Jan, 272 Zine-Dine, Khalid, 180 Zjavka, Ladislav, 28 382 Author Index.

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