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Project Resilience: The Art of Noticing, Interpreting, ...

Project Resilience: The Art of Noticing, Interpreting, ...

Elmar Kutsch

The book has two purposes: it offers a glimpse into our tendencies to be irrational in the face of adversity: risk, uncertainty and complexity.
Schön ist das Leben: Gedichte

Schön ist das Leben: Gedichte

Elmar Hucko

Elmar. Hucko. Komische Geschich%. Die komischen Geschichten erzählen von zwei Liebesabenteuern, einem Rotkehlchen als Lebensretter, vom heiligen Martin und, wie es ihm nach seinem Tode erging. Hier gibt es auch Antwort aufdie Frage: Was wird aus Bonn? ISBN 978-3-8391-1335-6 Elmar Hucko war eine Zeitlang Richter in Köln, danach Beamter.
KulturBunkerKunst: Eine Premiere

KulturBunkerKunst: Eine Premiere


... "Pause" Jutta,Christian,Elmar, Herbi Foto:© Günter Hillmann Gudrun Hillmann im Gespräch mit Jürgen Heck Foto:© Günter Hillmann morphische Felder Foto:© Günter Hillmann "Konzentration" - Elmar Hucko in MF 1.2,Werner Stewen in MF 1.1 Foto:© Jürgen Heck Herbi Kositz an der Zither Foto:© Günter Hillmann Publikum Schattenspringer-Lesung Foto:© Günter Hillmann Engel Foto:www.sxc. hu Schattenspringer-Lesung Foto:© Jürgen Heck Schattenspringer-Lesung,Anne Marie ...
Kurt Weill: A Life in Pictures and Documents

Kurt Weill: A Life in Pictures and Documents

Elmar Juchem

A look at the life of a legendary composer, from his German-Jewish upbringing through his early political career and beyond, includes all of his songs, as well as the details of his famous affair with Lotte Lenya.
Mischa Elman and the Romantic Style

Mischa Elman and the Romantic Style

Allan Kozinn

Among those who have held the chair since then'are Henryk Szeryng, Erica Morini, Jaime Laredo, Ruggiero Ricci, Josef Gingold, and Elmar Oli veira, each of whom has given a series of master classes at the Manhattan School. At the same  ...
Thymic Hormones and Lymphokines: Basic Chemistry and ...

Thymic Hormones and Lymphokines: Basic Chemistry and ...


32 Modulation of Macrophage Phenotypes by Migration Inhibitory Factors CLEMENS SORG, ELMAR MICHELS, URSULA MALORNY, and CHRISTINE NEUMANN |. INTRODUCTION Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was originally ...
Chinchilla: Komische Geschichten

Chinchilla: Komische Geschichten

Elmar Hucko

Gendarmenmarkt. 1. Christian Bloch fühlte sich von komplizierten Frauen angezogen. Mit schlichten wusste er nichts anzufangen. Bloch war fünfundfünfzig und Abteilungsleiter im Justizministerium. Seine Ministerin war Gerda DaubnerGrimm, ...
In All Sincerity, Peter Cushing

In All Sincerity, Peter Cushing

Christopher Gullo

Sutton, Tommy Stanziola, Elaine Cusack, James Willis, Karl Nolan, Sarah Dozier, Janet O'Dell, Jack Dickens, Randall Vest, Joe Skinnell, Derek Pykett, Rob Fisher, Paul Durkan, Elmar Podlasly, Brian Russo, Dave Aquino, Simon Moss, Carl ...
Die Akzeptanz des E-Commerce in der Automobilwirtschaft: ...

Die Akzeptanz des E-Commerce in der Automobilwirtschaft: ...

Jürgen Betz

Unvergesslich bleibt die legendäre Fellow-Truppe im Hamburger Office - Bob Borth, Mirko Caspar, Lars Krause, Elmar Licharz, Stefan Niemeier und Daniela Stäcker. Die gemeinsamen Mittagessen und die anschließenden Fights am ...
Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal ...

Digital Rights Management: Technological, Economic, Legal ...


... the expected sales should be the deciding factor and not the law. Borloff demands that the right owner should be able to decide between a collecting society and self–management. Elmar Hucko, Head of Departmental at the Federal Ministry of Justice, cut in on the discussion. His addition to the Ten Commandments was: “No private copying without compensation”. Therefore the collecting societies are in the right, especially when bearing in mind that CD– writers can produce “copies ...
Der Standort Adlershof aus Sicht der Beschäftigten: ...

Der Standort Adlershof aus Sicht der Beschäftigten: ...

Full view

Berlin 2010 Heft 159 Karsten Lehmann (Hrsg.): Wertschöpfungsketten in Deutschland und Polen – Das Beispiel Milch und Gemüse. Berlin 2010 Heft 160 Elmar Kulke, Lech Suwala (Hrsg.): Kuba. Bericht zur Hauptexkursion 2009. Berlin 2010 ...
The Restoration of Justice in Postwar Hesse, 1945-1949

The Restoration of Justice in Postwar Hesse, 1945-1949

Andrew Szanajda

Elmar M. Hucko, ed., The Democratic Tradition: Four German Constitutions ( Leamington Spa: Berg, 1987), 62. 2. John H. Herz, "Denazification and Related Policies," From Dictatorship to Democracy: Coping with the Legacies of Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982), 24. 3. Michael Stolleis, "Rechtsordnung und Justizpolitik: 1945-1949," Europiiische Rechtsordnung in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Festschrift fur Helmut Going, ed. Norbert Horn, Vol.
Magical Objects: Things and Beyond

Magical Objects: Things and Beyond


Introduction i M. E. Warlick Magic, Alchemy and Surrealist Objects 1 Elmar Schenkel Brainspotting: Brains as Magical Objects 33 Christoph Houswitschka " You could not injure me": The Powers of Maugham''s and Moore''s Modern Magicians 45 Paul Goetsch Uncanny Collectors and Collections in Late- Victorian Fiction ..67 Oliver Lindner Far North: The North Pole as a Magical Object in late 19th Century Culture and Literature 91 Silke Strickrodt The Phonograph in the Jungle: Magic ...
Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization?

Islam in Europe: Integration or Marginalization?

Robert J. Pauly

Elmar Hucko, ed., The Democratic Tradition: Four German Constitutions (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1989), 194-95. Reference made in Douglas B. Klusmeyer, “ Aliens, Immigrants and Citizens-the Politics of Inclusion in the Federal Republic of Germany,” Daedalus 122-2 (1993): 82. 52. Hucko, Democratic Tradition, 196- 97. 53. Abdul Hadi Hoffmann, “Muslims in Germany: The Struggle for Integration,” in Islam and the Question of Minorities, ed. Tamara Sonn (Atlanta: Press, 1996), 52-53.
American Big Business in Britain and Germany: A Comparative ...

American Big Business in Britain and Germany: A Comparative ...

Volker R. Berghahn

Elmar Hucko, ed., The Democratic Tradition. Four German Constitutions ( Leamington Spa, 1987), 119–45. 105. For a summary of this research and ongoing debates with relevant literature, see Berghahn, “Industrial Capitalism” ( note 99), 361–64. 106. See Wehler, German Empire (note 102), 52ff. 107. See, e.g., Dirk Stegmann, Bismarcks Erben (Cologne, 1970); Gustav Schmidt, “ Innenpolitische Blockbildungen in Deutschland am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges,” Das Parlament ...
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

More editions

9Constitution of the Weimarer Republic art 5 and 12, translated in Elmar Hucko ( ed) The Democratic Tradition, Four German Constitutions 149 and 152 (1987); Gordon A Craig Germany 1866-1945 419 (1980); Erich Roper 152. 10Gerhard Anschuetz, Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches vom 1 1 August 1919 Kommentar 507 (14 ed 1933 reprinted 1965): art 109-165 "Grundrechte und Grundpflichten", fundamental rights and duties. 1 1Gerhard Anschuetz 506. 12Elmar Hucko (ed) ...

who called from an unknown number?